Title: 以層級分析法建構供應商定期績效評比模式-某 IC 設計公司為例
An application of AHP to Construct the Supplier Performance Evaluation Model- Case study of Company I
Authors: 范高臺
Fan, Kao-Tai
Chang, Yung-Chia
Keywords: 供應商管理;IC 設計產業;供應商評比;層級分析法;Supply Chain Management;IC design Industry;Supplier Chain Ranking;Analytic Hierarchy Process
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究以層級分析法建立適宜 IC 設計 I 公司在評比供應商項目的模式,包括準則、屬性及解決量化差異、評比特性。此評比模式經由層級分析,以求算各構面與準則之權重值及進行供應商評比準則之序列計算與優先排序作業。故在整體評比過程中,降低人為主觀之影響,藉以監督及管理其供應廠商,適時回饋供應商生產交期準確度、品質穩定度及製程管制各方面績效之優、缺點並要求改善或修正績效不佳之處,定期回饋供應商們生產各方面績效。層級分析法運用在供應商評比的應用廣泛及也具代表性。本研究結果 可做為IC 設計產業供應商評比管理的一份重要的參考文獻,幫助參考者解決評比問題,或促進從中經由思考而產生不同領域方向及作法。在 IC 設計產業評比供應商架構及層級是依據 IC 設計委外生產現況,非完全依過去文獻中所定義的屬性。各屬性間亦有其不同之參考價值,在學術研究上對於IC 設計產業評比管理有所了解。本研究所歸納出四大委外生產供應商之準則及各屬性,可為未來IC 設計產業或其他屬性類似的行業,在欲建構供應商評比模式、架構及準則之參考。
In this study, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to establish suitable supplier’s criteria appraisal model for IC design house “I”, which attributes, quantizes differences and evaluates characteristics. This the appraisals mode via level analysis, calculate the weights of various dimensions and conduct supplier’s appraisal standards that serial computing and prioritize job with Guidelines; therefore, the overall appraisal process can reduce the impact of man-made subjectivism, so as to monitor and manage supply manufacturers with timely feedback of supplier production accuracy, quality stability and all aspects strength/weakness of the process control performance to improve or correct bad performance, then to feedback regularly suppliers performance. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used popularly and typically. First, the findings of this study can be adopted as an important reference for the IC design industry suppliers appraisal management document, help to solve the appraisal problem, or stimulate reflections from the different areas of direction and practice. Second, Evaluation of Structure and hierarchy in the IC design industry competition of suppliers are based on real IC design outsourcing production status, not in accordance with the attribution in past document; also, the value in each attribute can be referred and be helpful to understand appraisal management for IC design industry in academic research. Third, the research summarized the four major outsourcing suppliers production criteria and attribution for the IC design industry in the future or other similar industry , to provide the reference when conceiving suppliers appraisal mode, framework and guidelines.
Appears in Collections:Thesis