Title: Portable noninvasive system for oral cancer diagnosis
Authors: Yang, Chin-Siang
Ou-Yang, Mang
Hsieh, Yao-Fang
Chen, Yu-Ta
Chiou, Jin-Chern
Duann, Jeng-Ren
Tsai, Ming-Hsui
Wu, Shun-De
Lee, Cheng-Chung
Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: This study presents a portable noninvasive detection system which can get the image of specific spectral immediately, that promote to oral cancer diagnosis. According to research literature show the performance called autofluorescence of cells after exciting by specific wave band of light. It is different of the spectrum distribution for lesions of epithelial cells and normal cells after fluorescence excite, that is a basis of diagnosing to oral cancer. The convenient equipment for detection of oral cancer is modified for existing handheld microscope. From Fig. 1, the UV LED illuminates to the surface of object and excites the cells which produce fluorescent reaction and showed the image with specific wavelength. The image passes through the central channel and filter out unwanted spectral by the selection of filter, and focused by the focus lens on the image sensor, therefore we can achieve the specific wavelength image via fluorescence reaction.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/21619
ISBN: 978-1-4577-1766-6
ISSN: 1930-0395
Begin Page: 1637
End Page: 1639
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper