標題: Insertion of a Si layer to reduce operation current for resistive random access memory applications
作者: Chen, Yu-Ting
Chang, Ting-Chang
Peng, Han-Kuang
Tseng, Hsueh-Chih
Huang, Jheng-Jie
Yang, Jyun-Bao
Chu, Ann-Kuo
Young, Tai-Fa
Sze, Simon M.
Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
公開日期: 24-六月-2013
摘要: In this study, a reduction of low resistive state (LRS) current is discovered in a V:SiO2/Si bi-layer structure with the addition of a Si layer. A Pt/V:SiO2/TiN structure is fabricated as the standard sample. The results of conduction mechanism analyses for LRS indicate that a SiO2 interfacial layer forms through oxidation of the inserted Si layer after the set process. The LRS current reduction can be attributed to the formation of this SiO2 layer. In addition, self-compliance behavior for the bi-layer structure during the set process further proves the existence of this SiO2 buffer layer in LRS. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4812304
ISSN: 0003-6951
DOI: 10.1063/1.4812304
Volume: 102
Issue: 25


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