標題: 250-GHz Passive Harmonic Mode-Locked Er-Doped Fiber Laser by Dissipative Four-Wave Mixing With Silicon-Based Micro-Ring
作者: Jyu, Siao-Shan
Yang, Ling-Gang
Wong, Chi-Yan
Yeh, Chien-Hung
Chow, Chi-Wai
Tsang, Hon-Ki
Lai, Yinchieh
Department of Photonics
關鍵字: Fiber lasers;optical communications;four-wave mixing (FWM)
公開日期: 1-十月-2013
摘要: We propose and demonstrate a 250-GHz high-repetition-rate mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser, which utilizes a silicon micro-ring resonator (SMRR). The SMRR acts as an optical comb filter to help achieve passive mode-locking through the dissipative four-wave-mixing effect induced by a piece of high nonlinear fiber. A short section of polarization-maintaining fiber is inserted in the cavity to induce birefringence filtering to significantly enhance the stability of the proposed laser through the combined effects of optical filtering and nonlinear spectral broadening. The laser can operate about 2 and 6 nm in the case of 1.48-ps and 875-fs output pulsewidth, with 3-dB bandwidth, respectively. The laser can remain mode locked, during our measurement time, without any cavity length or temperature feedback control.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JPHOT.2013.2283243
ISSN: 1943-0655
DOI: 10.1109/JPHOT.2013.2283243
Volume: 5
Issue: 5


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