標題: Demonstration of using multi-band 16-QAM OFDM modulation with direct-detection in 10 GHz bandwidth for 37.3-Gb/s PON
作者: Yeh, C. H.
Chen, H. Y.
Chow, C. W.
Sung, J. Y.
Department of Photonics
關鍵字: 40Gbps PON;Optical OFDM;Multi-band;Pre-chirp
公開日期: 1-二月-2014
摘要: We propose and experimentally demonstrate a 37.3 Gb/s passive optical network using four-band orthogonal-frequency-division-multiplexing (OFDM) channels within 10 GHz bandwidth. Here, the required sampling rate and resolution of digital-to-analog/analog-to-digital (DA/AD) converter are only 5 GS/s and 8 bits to accomplish the 40 Gb/s OFDM downstream rate. Moreover, to reduce the power fading and fiber chromatic dispersion issues, a 0.7 chirp parameter Mach-Zehnder modulator is used for the four-band OFDM modulation scheme. Downstream negative power penalty of 0.37 dB can be obtained at the bit error rate of after 20 km standard single mode fiber transmission without dispersion compensation.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11107-013-0422-2
ISSN: 1387-974X
DOI: 10.1007/s11107-013-0422-2
Volume: 27
Issue: 1
起始頁: 28
結束頁: 33


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