標題: Exploring Metabolic Pathways in Vivo by a Combined Approach of Mixed Stable Isotope-Labeled Raman Microspectroscopy and Multivariate Curve Resolution Analysis
作者: Noothalapati, Hemanth
Shigeto, Shinsuke
Department of Applied Chemistry
Institute of Molecular science
公開日期: 5-Aug-2014
摘要: Understanding cellular metabolism is a major challenge in current systems biology and has triggered extensive metabolomics research, which in most cases involves destructive analysis. However, the information obtainable only in a nondestructive manner will be required for accurately mapping the global structure of the organism\'s metabolic network at a given instant. Here we report that metabolic pathways can be explored in vivo by mixed stable isotope-labeled Raman microspectroscopy in conjunction with multivariate curve resolution analysis. As a model system, we studied ergosterol biosynthesis in single living fission yeast cells grown in mixtures of normal and C-13-labeled glucose as the sole carbon source. The multivariate spectral data analysis of space-resolved Raman spectra revealed the intrinsic spectra and relative abundances of all isotopomers of ergosterol whose carbon atoms in the 5,7-diene moiety of the sterol skeleton are either partly or fully substituted with C-13. Our approach is applicable to other metabolites and will earn a place in the toolbox of metabolomic analysis.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ac501735c
ISSN: 0003-2700
DOI: 10.1021/ac501735c
Volume: 86
Issue: 15
起始頁: 7828
結束頁: 7834
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