標題: Ultralow-threshold single-mode lasing based on a one-dimensional asymmetric photonic bandgap structure with liquid crystal as a defect layer
作者: Wang, Hsiao-Tsung
Lin, Jia-De
Lee, Chia-Rong
Lee, Wei
College of Photonics
公開日期: 15-六月-2014
摘要: In this Letter, we propose defect-mode lasing from a one-dimensional asymmetric photonic structure with dye-doped nematic liquid crystal as a central defect layer. The local field intensity of the distinguished single defect mode at the overlapped photonic band edges is drastically enhanced by the asymmetric structure consisting of two distinct multilayer photonic crystals. With high density of states of photons, effective output lasing emission and maximum input excitation are ensured. As a result, the single-mode lasing with a low excitation threshold of 0.2 mu J/pulse is achieved due to the combination of the defect layer and the photonic band edge effect. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OL.39.003516
ISSN: 0146-9592
DOI: 10.1364/OL.39.003516
Volume: 39
Issue: 12
起始頁: 3516
結束頁: 3519


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