標題: A watt-level 2.3-GHz GaAs MESFET power amplifier with gap-coupled microstrip-line matching topology
作者: Meng, CC
Wang, W
Institute of Communications Engineering
關鍵字: MESFET;power amplifier;microstrip lines
公開日期: 5-Jun-2004
摘要: A one-stage hybrid power amplifier integrated with gap-coupled microstrip lines for impedance matching is demonstrated in this work. The gap-coupled microstrip line amplifier module realized here can provide IS-dB power gain, 33.5-dBm output power, and 42% power-added efficiency (PAE) at 2.3 GHZ. The demonstrated topology is suitable in monolithic 1C technology, especially in the millimeter-wave frequency because the gap-coupled microstrip lines can he easily compacted into small size. 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mop.20137
ISSN: 0895-2477
DOI: 10.1002/mop.20137
Volume: 41
Issue: 5
起始頁: 346
結束頁: 348
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