標題: Structure of mixed convective longitudinal vortex air flow driven by a heated circular plate embedded in the bottom of a horizontal flat duct
作者: Tuh, JL
Lin, TF
Department of Mechanical Engineering
公開日期: 1-Apr-2003
摘要: In this study experimental flow visualization combined with transient temperature measurement are conducted to investigate the structure of the buoyancy driven longitudinal vortex rolls in low Reynolds number mixed convective air flow through a horizontal flat duct with an isothermally heated circular disk embedded in the bottom plate of the duct for the Reynolds number ranging from 15.1 to 99.2 and Rayleigh number from 3506 to 29,493. How the circular geometry of the heated surface affects the longitudinal vortex flow characteristics is investigated in detail. The results indicate that the longitudinal vortex rolls (L-rolls) in the duct core are induced at more upstream locations than those near the duct sides, which is completely opposite to those induced in a duct with a uniformly heated bottom. Besides, the thermals driven by the circular heated surface are not evenly spaced in the spanwise direction and are slightly asymmetric. It is of interest to note that at a given Rayleigh number Ra the thermals are unstable at high Reynolds numbers, suggesting the existence of the inertia driven instability. Thus the L-rolls evolved from these thermals are also unstable with the presence of nonperiodic generation and disappearance of new L-rolls. But at slightly lower Re the thermals and L-rolls are steady and regular. The vortex flow becomes unstable and irregular for a further reduction in the Reynolds number, which obviously results from the buoyancy driven instability. The simultaneous presence of these two instability mechanisms explains the appearance of the reverse steady-unsteady transition in the vortex flow. Based on the present data, a flow regime map is given to delineate various L-roll patterns driven by the circular heated plate. In addition, the boundaries separating these patterns are empirically correlated. Empirical correlations for the onset points of the L-rolls are also provided. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0017-9310(02)00425-8
ISSN: 0017-9310
DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(02)00425-8
Volume: 46
Issue: 8
起始頁: 1341
結束頁: 1357
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