Title: Integral sum numbers of graphs
Authors: Liaw, SC
Kuo, D
Chang, GJ
Department of Applied Mathematics
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2000
Abstract: The sum graph of a set S of positive integers is the graph G(+)(S) having S as its vertex set, with two distinct vertices adjacent whenever their sum is in S. If S is allowed to be a subset of all integers, a graph so obtained is called an integral sum graph. The integral sum number of a given graph G is the smallest number of isolated vertices which when added to G result in an integral sum graph. In this paper, we find the integral sum numbers of caterpillars, cycles, wheels, and complete bipartite graphs.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/30868
ISSN: 0381-7032
Volume: 54
Begin Page: 259
End Page: 268
Appears in Collections:Articles