标题: Complex refractive-index measurement based on Fresnel's equations and the uses of heterodyne interferometry
作者: Chiu, MH
Lee, JY
Su, DC
Department of Photonics
公开日期: 1-七月-1999
摘要: The phase difference between s and p polarization of the light reflected from a material is used for measuring the material's complex refractive index. First, two phase differences that correspond to two different incidence angles are measured by heterodyne interferometry. Then these two phase differences are substituted into Fresnel's equations, and a set of simultaneous equations is obtained. Finally, the equations are solved by use of a personal computer by a numerical analysis technique, and the complex refractive index of the material can be estimated. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/31224
ISSN: 0003-6935
Volume: 38
Issue: 19
起始页: 4047
结束页: 4052


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