標題: Effective models in evaluating radio coverage on single floors of multifloor buildings
作者: Tarng, JH
Liu, TR
Institute of Communications Engineering
關鍵字: field strength measurement;indoor propagation modeling;radio coverage
公開日期: 1-May-1999
摘要: An effective site-specific hybrid model is developed to predict the path loss and the effective radio coverage on single floors, The hybrid model, combined with a two-dimensional (2-D) model and an easy-to-use direct-transmitted ray (DTR) model, is incorporated with the building blueprint in usage, Both effects of the interior walls and the metallic objects such as whiteboards, bookcases, and standing air conditioners on radio propagation are considered. It is found that inclusion of metallic objects will enhance the performance of the model.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/25.764994
ISSN: 0018-9545
DOI: 10.1109/25.764994
Volume: 48
Issue: 3
起始頁: 782
結束頁: 789
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