Title: An expert-system technique for object-oriented program testing
Authors: Chen, WC
Chen, DJ
Chung, CG
Institute of Computer Science and Engineering
Issue Date: 1-Feb-1999
Abstract: Data abstraction, information hiding, inheritance, and dynamic binding are four basic elements used in designing object-oriented (OO) programs. These four mechanisms enable programmers to write object-oriented programs that are easily extended, reused and maintained. Software implemented by OO methodologies has increased software quality and productivity.(1) However, this cannot be guaranteed without an appropriate software testing approach. Traditional testing approaches cannot be applied directly to the testing of OO programs due to the OO characteristics used in these programs. OO program testing strategies and methods are proposed continually, but fewer OO testing tools with flexibility are discussed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/31562
ISSN: 0896-8438
Volume: 11
Issue: 9
Begin Page: 25
End Page: +
Appears in Collections:Articles