標題: Dynamic multithreshold rate control mechanisms for supporting ABR traffic in ATM networks
作者: Ting, PC
Yuang, MC
Department of Computer Science
關鍵字: available bit rate;binary rate control;cell-loss probability;feedback-based rate control;fluid model;quality of service
公開日期: 1-二月-1998
摘要: Existing feedback-based rate control schemes supporting the available bit rate (ABR) service in ATM networks mostly employ a single static buffer threshold at each sn itching node as the forewarning of congestion, In this paper, we first propose a continuous-based adaptive rate control mechanism, which employs, logically, an infinite number of thresholds, Each node periodically determines the precise permitted rate of immediate upstream nodes based on a simple fluid model aimed at satisfying both loss-free and starvation-Free criteria, The scheme, as Kilt be shown, achieves high utilization and low (zero) cell-loss probability under highly bursty (deterministic) traffic, but at the expense of a drastic increase In signalling overhead due to frequent adjustment of permitted rates, To reduce overhead, we further propose a so-called stepwise-based rate control mechanism adopting a limited number of movable thresholds, referred to as the threshold set, The threshold set shifts up (down) reflecting the increase (decrease) in departure rates, Compared to continuous-based control via simulation, stepwise-based control is shown to be efficient and accurate using a reasonably low number of thresholds, Moreover, we also display simulation results, which demonstrate that the stepwise-based mechanism outperforms existing single-static-threshold-based schemes in terms of cell-loss probability and link utilization.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/41.661306
ISSN: 0278-0046
DOI: 10.1109/41.661306
Volume: 45
Issue: 1
起始頁: 60
結束頁: 68


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