標題: Analysis and synthesis of geometric models using tree structured relations
作者: Tsai, PL
Fu, CC
Chieng, WH
Department of Mechanical Engineering
關鍵字: relational geometric design;parametric geometry;CSG tree;geometric tree;eigenvectors
公開日期: 1-九月-1997
摘要: In this study, we propose a methodology capable of analysing and synthesizing relational geometric design models, based on a mapping between geometric nodes (points) on the model and the physical dimensions of the solid model. The relations that include translation and rotation between the geometric nodes are stored in a toe structure. Based on this methodology, an implementation is developed that allows a designer to freely synthesize and analyse geometric relations among admissible physical dimensions of the object. Meanwhile the management of the underlying parameterized relational geometric data automatically occurs. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/336
ISSN: 0010-4485
Volume: 29
Issue: 9
起始頁: 607
結束頁: 615


  1. A1997XX83200002.pdf

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