標題: 以規則性粗化點改善發光二極體光取出效率之研究
Improved the light extraction of light emitting diode by roughing the surface with micron dots
作者: 劉稀源
Liu, Hsi-Yuan
Wu, Yew Chung Sermon
關鍵字: 發光二極體;粗化;內部全反射;等向性蝕刻;light emitting diode;roughing;total internal reflection;isotropic etching
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文研製之以規則性粗化點改善發光二極體光取出效率之研究,是以單異質結構砷化鋁鎵發光二極體為研究對象,將發光二極體表面以具等向性蝕刻特性的濕式蝕刻溶液將晶粒發光面製作成粗化的微結構,從而減少內部全反射現象,使光的出射角度隨機化而增強表面散射,提高光的取出效率。
A procedure is established to study for improving the light extraction of light emitting diode by roughing the surface with micron dots. A single hetero-structure AlGaAs light emitting diode is studied on using wet etching solution with isotropic etching effect to roughen the surface of emitting area to be a rough micro-structure. Consequently, the total internal reflection was reduced and causing light emitting angle randomized and surface scattering enhanced, so the light extraction was then improved.


  1. 552901.pdf

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