標題: 以臭氧/過氧化氫程序回收薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器產業中低濃度有機廢水之研究:最佳操作參數之設定
Use of O3/H2O2 process for the reclamation of low-level organic wastewater in TFT-LCD industry: determination of optimal operational parameters
作者: 江岱叡
Tai-jui Chang
Chih-pin Huang
關鍵字: 臭氧;液晶薄膜顯示器;高級氧化程序;廢水再利用;Ozone;Hydrogen peroxide;Advanced oxidizing process;Waste water reclamation;Electricity-optical industry
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 光電、半導體產業是政府現階段所推動「兩兆雙星」重點產業,而TFT- LCD產業因其世代演進之關係,其製程用水量已達每小時數千噸之程度,故如何回收再利用使用過之製程用水,是一非常重要之課題。本論文是以臭氧/過氧化氫之氧化程序,來處理生物難分解之清潔劑等含低濃度有機物之回收水,目的是為探討其最佳操作條件。 以臭氧結合雙氧水程序在商業上之應用稱為 Peroxone,為無須UV光源供應之氧化程序,它之去除效率受許多因素所影響,例如 : pH值、臭氧劑量、反應時間、過氧化氫劑量及有機物反應初始濃度所影響。傳統之研究方法在進行特定因子分析時,常常將某因子固定而改變特定因子,如此所得到之數據要進行各因子間之相互影響及顯著性研究,卻是很困難。本實驗將採實驗計劃法,針對O3、H2O2、pH及反應時間等重要參數進行評估,利用統計手法整理實驗數據,以期達到較客觀之最佳運轉條件。本研究係針對實際生產之工廠作為研究對象,故最佳化之操作參數,除依文獻所指出之理論作為研究基礎外,尚需考量企業經營之根本-成本效益,來作為最終考量之依據。 在考量其效益與成本之因素後,本工廠針對含低濃度有機物之製程回收水操作參數,共有四個操作因素,其操作參數分別如下: 臭氧濃度120 ppm、H2O2濃度20 ppm、 pH值10及反應時間3分鐘。
Optoelectronics, semiconductor industries are government's key industry in the present stage. TFT-LCD industry consume DIW to a very great extend due to the generation relation of gradual progress. It has made water consumption to several kilotons of degree per hour already, so it will be serious task to reclaim wastewater. This study focused the degradation of trace organics, eg, detergent by O3/H2O2 process to reclaim wastewater and investigated the optimal conditions of operation. To combine the hydrogen peroxide solution procedure called “Peroxone” in practices with the ozone, but without UV light supplied, it is influenced by several factors, for example: pH value, ozone dosage, response time, H2O2 dosage and the concentrate of influent organic matter. Common approaches were to change specific factors and to fix other factors, it is, however, very difficult to clarify the results. This study I would adopt the plan law of experiment, which will assess to important parameters including O3, H2O2, pH and response time. It will utilize the counting tactics to put the experimental data to get optimal condition for the operation. This study was to conduct in the full-plant scale, so that enterprises benefit as well as cost-effective would be key concerns throughout the study. After considering benefit and cost, it will have four factors of operation in the reclamation of recycled water containing trace organic matter. The optimal conditions for operation are 120 ppm of O3 concentration, 20 ppm of H2O2 concentration, pH 10 and 3 minutes of reaction time.
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