標題: 電動自行車之特性分析與驅動器設計
A Characteristic Analysis and Power Driver Design for Electric Moped
作者: 巫明謙
Ming-Chian Wu
Der-Cherng Liaw
關鍵字: 電動自行車;輪鼓馬達;充電電池;馬達驅動器;Electric Moped;Wheel Motor;Rechargeable Batteries;Motor Driver
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文針對電動自行車使用之輪鼓馬達與充電電池進行分析,現階段電動自行車使用之輪鼓馬達可分為:直流有刷馬達和直流無刷馬達兩種,直流有刷馬達因為價格便宜、控制容易和穩定性高等因素較常被使用,但是具有噪音大,須定期更換碳刷等缺點。直流無刷馬達因為噪音低、效率高、可靠性佳、功率密度高和成熟的控制技術等因素已 漸漸的取代直流有刷馬達。在充電電池方面,目前所有種類的充電電池都存在著電力不夠持久,且在電動自行車上坡時無法供應足夠電流的缺點。因此,本論文提出使用超級電容輔助電池電力的想法,提供短時間的大電流輸出,達到保護並延長電池壽命的功效。再實際設計製作出馬達驅動器,驅動器以MC33035無刷直流馬達控制IC為主體,並使用被動元件與電晶體的組合電路作為馬達的驅動電路,再配合控制感測回授電路、電壓電路及輸出入電路來構成整個完整的系統架構。且進一步考慮安全上的問題,加入8051微控制器的輔助,讓電動自行車的駕駛,得到更安全的保障。
In this thesis, we analyzed wheel motor and rechargeable batteries for electric moped. In current stage, there are two kinds of motor used by electric moped: brush dc motor and brushless dc motor. Because of lower cost, easy to control and control stability, brush dc motor is widely used in building electric moped. However, brush dc motor had become more inadequate in later development due to short operating life. On the contrary, brushless dc motor has several characteristic such as high efficiency, excellent reliability, enough locked rotor torque and mature contract technology. Hence, brushless dc motor is becoming substitute for brush dc motor. In rechargeable batteries area, all of the rechargeable batteries are not have enough lasting power and that can't supply enough electricity for uphill path. Hence, this thesis purpose that take use of the battery electricity supported by the ultracapacitors, providing large current output within a short time to protect as well as extend the efficiency of rechargeable batteries. With the actual design and manufacture of a motor driver, the major core of system is using MC33035 brushless DC motor controller and all frameworks are building from driver circuit, control sensor feedback circuit, power supply and input/output circuit. To further consider the issue of security, the functions of 8051 micro-controllers will be increased. Let the driver of electric moped could get more security protection.