標題: 非對稱性LDD金氧半元件之單刀雙擲開關應用於超寬頻3.1~10.6GHz之研究
Asymmetric-LDD MOS of SPDT Switch for Ultra Wideband 3.1~10.6GHz
作者: 李佩諭
Pei-Yu Lee
Albert Chin
Yu-Ting Cheng
關鍵字: 單刀雙擲;超寬頻;非對稱性金氧半元件;SPDT;UWB;asymmetric-LDD MOS
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本論文研究採用0.18微米互補式金氧半製程之應用於超寬頻3.1-10.6GHz的發射接收開關,採用串並的架構。電路中使用較高的汲極崩潰電壓之非對稱式的LDD金氧半電晶體,故可加較大的偏壓以改善功率線性度;除此之外也使用基極浮接的方式來改善收發開關之線性度及功率承載能力。晶片的大小為0.325mm2,有效面積為0.11mm2。量測結果最大植入損耗發射端與接收端分別為1.8dB和4.1dB,功率承載能力則達28.7dBm。針對接收狀態下植入損耗過大之缺點修改設計,根據模擬結果最大植入損耗發射端與接收端分別為0.94dB和1.29dB,除此之外,功率承載能力可增至30.1dBm,電路佈局面積為0.21mm2,有效面積為0.055mm2。
The topic of research is T/R switch for ultra-wideband 3.1-10.6GHz application, it was designed by series-shunt topology. The circuit is fabricated in 0.18μm CMOS process. The higher drain breakdown voltage of asymmetric-LDD MOS transistor is used for the transmitter path. The key point is the larger bias on the transmitter path to improve the power linearity. Besides, the body-floating technique is also used to improve the linearity and power-handling capability of T/R switch. The chip size is 0.325mm2. The effective area is 0.11mm2. The measured maximum insertion loss is 1.8dB and 4.1dB for transmitter and receiver respectively. The P1dB compression point is 28.7dBm. However, the higher insertion loss is on the RX mode. Therefore the circuit has been redesigned in order to decrease the loss. According to the simulated result, the maximum insertion loss is 0.94dB and 1.29dB for transmitter and receiver respectively. Besides, the P1dB compression point can achieve 30.1dBm. The layout area is 0.21mm2. The effective area is only 0.055mm2.


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