Title: 實現具抑制色分離及閃爍現象之色序法液晶顯示控制器
Implementation of Field Sequential Color Liquid Crystal Display Controller with Color Breakup and Flicker Reduction Methods
Authors: 許雅婷
Ya-Ting Hsu
Han-Ping D. Shieh
Yi-Pai Huang
Keywords: 色序法;色分離;控制器;Field sequential color;color breakup;controller
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 色序法其原理是利用三原色場在人眼視覺暫留的時間內所提供的光刺激累加來合成彩色的圖像,也就是說將彩色影像的三原色成分,分別呈現在三個不同的顯示時段,而得到色彩繽紛的彩色顯示效果。雖然它具有比目前其他的顯示技術俱有更好的顯色特性,卻存在著一個潛在的缺陷─色分離(CBU),除了會降低顯示影像的品質外,長時間的觀看亦有可能造成眼睛的疲勞,是一個不可忽視的現象。 基於以上論述,本研究提出一種解決傳統色序法液晶顯示器的色分離問題;稱為color field arrangement (CFA) method。此法利用有規律變換連續三個frame的子色場,當人眼以相同速度追跡運動物體時,連續三個frame影像的積分結果在人眼視網膜上無色分離現象。而此法會衍生靜態畫面閃爍的情形,進而提出4-CFA的方法(場頻率240 Hz)改善閃爍的問題;此法同時能有效消除動態及靜態的CBU。最後使用5.6吋的OCB FSC-LCD驗證以上論述。
Field sequential color (FSC) formation mechanism, which displays multi-primary color fields in temporal sequence to form a full-color frame, is an effective way to generate full color images. Color breakup (CBU), however, has appeared intrinsically in conventional FSC-type displays to degrade visual quality, and thus been investigated in the past decades. In this thesis, we proposed a novel CBU suppression method, color field arrangement (CFA) method, to eliminate the artifacts for FSC-LCD. However, the CFA method will result in the flicker phenomenon on stationary image. Consequently, the 4-CFA method (240 Hz field rate) was proposed to suppress the flicker issue. Both dynamic and static CBU in the proposed 4-CFA method is improved than that of conventional methods. The 4-CFA method was successfully implemented on a 5.6-inch OCB FSC-LCD, and achieved less color breakup performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis