標題: 常壓式電漿系統沈積之二氧化矽在有機薄膜電晶體應用上之研究
The study on the silicon dioxide deposited by Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Technology for Organic Thin-Film Transistor application
作者: 徐明頤
Ming-Yi Hsu
Kow-Ming Chang
Cheng-May Kwei
關鍵字: 常壓式電漿系統;有機薄膜電晶體;Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Technology;Organic Thin-Film Transistor
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 我們已成功的利用大氣壓電漿技術在有機薄膜電晶體上沈積閘極矽氧化物。大氣壓電漿技術的優點在於可不必抽真空亦可於一般室溫下進行沈積動做。此優點正好適合有機薄膜電晶體的低溫製程條件。此篇論文中我們將研究大氣壓電漿技術所沈積閘極矽氧化物在有機薄膜電晶體上的特性。我們利用金屬-絕緣層-金屬的結構來探討大氣壓電漿技術所沈積閘極矽氧化物的漏電流,其中我們得到經過電漿處理過後的閘極介電層有較低的漏電流。在這次研究中,我們的有機薄膜電晶體操作電壓小於-3 伏特,在可携式的電子產品上低的操作電壓與低的漏電流是必要的條件。在本文可以觀察OTFT在大氣壓電漿技術所沈積的二氧化矽上的特性,其臨界電壓可在-1伏特以內,載子遷移率也達到0.5-0.8 cm2/Vs以及 on/off ratio 約在103。
We have successfully fabricated pentacene-based organic thin film transistor at a low temperature process with silicon oxide as a gate dielectric deposited by atmospheric-pressure plasma technology (APPT). The advantage of the atmospheric-pressure plasma technology is that it needn't vacuum and at general room temperature to deposit insulator. This merit happen to suits the organic thin film transistor the low temperature system regulation condition. In this article we will study the characteristic of gate silicon oxide which is deposited by atmospheric-pressure plasma technology on the organic thin film transistor. We make use of metal - insulator - metal structure to probe into leakage current of the gate silicon oxide deposited by APPT, and we obtain the lower leakage current of gate dielectric after plasma treatment. In the research, the organic thin film transistor can operate at the voltage less than - 3 volts, and the low operation voltage and low leakage current properties are required in portable applications. In this article we can observe the OTFT characteristic on silicon oxide deposited by APPT. The field-effect transistor has a threshold voltage less than -1V, the mobility of 0.5-0.8 cm2/Vs and on/off ratio about 103.


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  2. 157101.pdf

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