標題: 應用於非接觸式眼壓量測機制之角膜模型建構與生物力學分析
The Modeling and Biomechanical Analysis of Human Cornea for Non-contact Intraocular Pressure Measurement
作者: 姚博熙
Yao, Po-Hsi
Chiou, Jin-Chem
關鍵字: 角膜;生物力學;眼壓;cornea;biomechanics;intraocular pressure
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文之目的是提出一個非接觸式的眼壓量測機制,藉由眼壓自然變化造成眼角膜形變,以光學量測其變化推算對應之眼壓值,而捨棄原有需藉接觸施以外力造成一定程度形變來量測的方式,達到非接觸量測的目的,以提供一個更舒適的量測方式。另外並建構人眼角膜之有限元素模型,用以模擬分析眼壓變化與形變量的關係,探討角膜厚度、彈性係數等參數對眼壓與形變量關係的影響,而嘗試以最佳化進似求解出眼壓與角膜形變量之關係式,於非接觸式眼壓量測機制中,以形變量推算眼壓值,並提供模擬數據驗證非接觸式眼壓量測機制的可行性。
The purpose of this thesis is to provide a Non-contact intraocular pressure measurement. The intraocular pressure variation will cause cornea deformation. That can be used to calculate intraocular pressure by optical measure, and to give up the measurement that used contact cornea to cause specific deformation. It will achieve the goal that used non-contact intraocular pressure measurement and provide a more comfortable measurement. On the side, we build up the finite element model for cornea. It can be used to simulate intraocular pressure variation about deformation, and discuss about corneal thickness and Young’s modulus. We also try to find out the relationship from intraocular pressure variation and deformation. That will be used to calculate the intraocular pressure and demonstrate feasibility for the non-contact intraocular pressure measurement.


  1. 259301.pdf

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