標題: 基於 IEEE802.16e 排程省電演算法
Power-Conserving Scheduling Algorithms for Broadband Wireless Networks
作者: 曾信龍
Hsin-Lung Tseng
Kai-Ten Feng
關鍵字: 省電排程;無線寬頻;Power saving;IEEE802.16e
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 在移動式網路由於電池壽命的限制,省電是一個很重要的
The limitation on the battery lifetime has been a critical issue for the advancement of mobile computing. Different types of power-saving techniques have been proposed in various fields. In order to provide feasible energy conserving mechanism for the Mobile Subscriber Stations (MSSs), three power-saving types have been proposed for the IEEE 802.16e broadband wireless networks. However,these power-saving types are primarily targeting for the cases with a single connection between the Base Station (BS) and the MSS. With the existence of multiple connections, the power efficiency obtained by adopting the conventional scheduling algorithm can be severely degraded. In this work, a Heuristic Power Saving Scheme (HPSS) scheduling algorithm is proposed to consider the aggregated effect from
the multiple connections to the power efficiency. Moreover, the Quality-of-Service (QoS) constraints from downlink traffic are employed in the design of the HPSS algorithm in order to facilitate the corresponding MSS to fulfill its QoS requirements. Unfortunate, even though the performance of the HPSS is efficient, it is not optimal. Since of this reason, we simplify the problem by special traffic type
of the CID and an optimal algorithm called Maximal Power-Conserving (MPC) is proposed. It is designed to optimal the energy efficiency based on the pre-specified Quality-of-Service requirements. In order to optimize the power saving efficiency, It is needed to assumed the resource of bandwidth is unlimited. An optimal algorithm called Least Awake Frame Scheme (LAFS) is proposed. The design concept of LAFS focus on scheduling the deadline of the data burst. Moreover, an algorithm called Least Switching Times Scheme (LSTS) is proposed. the LSTS algorithm reserve the advantage of the LAFS, It is design for optimal the MSS switching times between listen interval and sleep interval. The minimal awake frames and minimal switching times of the MSS will also be proved in this paper. Numerical results show that the proposed HPSS scheduling algorithm outperforms the conventional 802.16e power-saving mechanism, the Periodic On-Off Scheme (PS) and the Aperiodic On-Off Scheme (AS).


  1. 362101.pdf

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