Title: 以系統觀探討工研院在台灣產業研發體系之角色
A Systems View to the Roles of ITRI in Taiwan’s Industrial R&D System Development
Authors: 陳宜仁
Yijen Chen
Dr. Tain Sue Jan
Keywords: 研發體系;產業發展;工研院;角色分析;任務;技術環境;系統觀;R&D;industrial development;ITRI;role analysis;task;technological environment;systems view
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 過去的三十幾年,由產業、政府支持的研發機構、學術機構與大學等三個部份所組成的研發體系支持台灣產業蓬勃發展。台灣的產業發展經驗顯示政府支持的研發機構有效地與企業界互動,而成功支持半導體、資訊電子、自行車、工具機等產業的發展,其中工業技術研究院(工研院)扮演關鍵角色。隨著台灣產業的成長及變遷,工研院的角色與功能亦不斷受到內外環境的影響及挑戰,而必需適當地調整其角色與任務,才能持續協助產業發展。本研究分別利用Churchman分析系統中元件的使用觀點,並透過Mintzberg所提出角色分析(role analysis)的方法,進一步分析在台灣的產業發展歷程中工研院主要扮演的角色與任務,接著再以Ackoff系統觀之擴展論(Expansionism)的觀點,提出一個系統與環境互動的分析架構,逐層擴大系統範圍來探討系統與環境的互動關係。研究發現由於台灣產業的技術環境,正由製造轉向創新,研發體系為因應環境的變化,必需作較大幅度的調整,才能持續釋放其累積的研發能量以協助台灣產業發展。最後,本文討論其他新興工業化國家產業發展的角色。
The research and development (R&D) system for industrial development in Taiwan is made up of three parts: industrial firms, government-supported institutes (GSIs), and academic institutes and universities. The Taiwanese experience showed that the effective interaction of the GSIs and the industrial firms has successfully supported the development of its industry. The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) played the key role in industrial development during recent decades. Currently, industrial development in Taiwan faces some difficulties, and R&D system thus is in a stage of adjustment. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of ITRI and how it plays its roles by analyzing its major tasks. And then this study proposes an extended interaction model for analyzing the interactions between R&D system and industrial environment using the Ackoff’s systems view of expansionism. The results of this study show that technological environment in Taiwan has been turning manufacturing into innovation. Being the changing of environment, R&D system has to adjust on a large scale to release its accumulating capacity in order to assist the development Taiwan industry. The implications for newly industrialized countries are also discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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