Title: 軟性顯示面板變形下之應力和應變
Stress and Strain in Flexible Display Panel Under Deformation
Authors: 吳冠緯
Keywords: 軟性面板;Flexible Display
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 近年來,顯示器已從傳統的陰極射線管(CRT)進入平面顯示器(FPD)的世代,利用主動矩陣式(Active Matrix)薄膜電晶體(Thin Film Transistor ; TFT)之液晶顯示器(Liquid Crystal)便應運而生。然而硬梆梆的顯示器已經無法滿足人們舒適方便生活的需求;反觀軟性顯示器有著輕、薄、可撓曲、耐衝擊具安全性,且不受場合、空間限制的特性,儼然成為下一世代最佳之平面顯示器,因此軟性顯示器之機械特性量測成為一個重要的課題。本論文提出一套新的方法量測軟性顯示器的機械性質,藉由LABVIEW控制機構平台施加外力於軟性顯示器,造成彎矩的作用,使得軟性顯示器彎曲,並以CCD拍攝軟性顯示器彎曲的狀況,再進一步的利用MATLAB影像處理方法,計算出軟性顯示器的曲率半徑,反推出機械性質。利用這個方法,可以量測出軟性顯示器在不同的曲率半徑下,所承受的彎矩和應力、應變。
In recent years, the display has enter the era of the Flat Panel Display ( FPD ) from the traditional cathode ray tube ( CRT ). Using active Matrix Thin Film Transistor ( TFT ) Liquid crystal display thus comes into being. However, the hard display can not satisfy people who have the demand for a comfortable and facilitating lifestyle. As for the flexible display which is thin and flexible, securities shock-resistant, not limited by the occasion or space, become the top choice of the flat panel display. Therefore, mechanical characterization of flexible display becomes an important issue. This study puts forward a set of new method of measuring mechanical characteristics of the flexible display. This method is designed to exert an external force on the flexible display. It results in the function of a curved square and makes the flexible display crooked. Next, I shoot the crooked state of the flexible display with CCD, and carry out image processing using MATLAB, calculate the radius of curvature of the flexible display, and infer the mechanical characterization. By means of this method, we can measure the curved square, stress, and strain of the flexible display under different radii of curvature.
Appears in Collections:Thesis