标题: 以弧長為參數的 NURBS 曲線插值器設計
Design of Arc-Length Parameterized NURBS Curve Interpolator
作者: 賴宣宏
Shiuan-Hung Lai
An-Chen Lee
关键字: 運動控制;插值器;即時NURBS插值;數值加工;Motion control;Interpolator;real-time NURBS interpolation;CNC
公开日期: 2008
摘要: 現今的 CNC 工具機已經可以直接接受參數式曲線進行插補,已解決 CAD/CAM 與 CNC 之間大量資料傳輸的問題,並可進一步改善其加工品質。然而,由於 NURBS 曲線本身複雜的數學表示式,使得 NURBS 插值器需要以數值方法求得每一個插值點的參數值,這對即時環境下而言是相當大的負擔。本論文提出以預處理器在非即時環境下對 NURBS 曲線資訊進行預處理,參數區間依所設定的誤差容許值 被分割成許多小區間,以數值方法計算各段弧長值與總長度,建立原參數 與弧長 的函數 ,再利用重參數化的流程步驟產生以弧長為參數的 NURBS 曲線表示式,一方面充分利用了總長計算過程的中介資訊,一方面在即時插補時,可以快速地求得每一個位置命令點,避免了複雜的 NURBS 曲線微分項與疊代計算。
Modern CNC systems are designed with the function of arbitrary parametric curves to save massive data communication between CAD/CAM and CNC systems and improve their machining quality. However, the computation loads of NURBS interpolator by numerical methods are relatively large. In this paper, a real-time NURBS motion command generator is presented; this method efficiently integrates the data processing of a NURBS path in a CNC controller, from pre-processing to real-time interpolation. The key point is to generate the arc-length parameterized NURBS curves, in the real-time NURBS path interpolation, the new setting path points can be calculated fast and directly using the arc-length parameterized NURBS curves without the need for any time-consuming computation of NURBS derivatives and iteration.
The comparative results of different interpolation algorithms show that the mean-square feedrate deviation of the proposed method is the smallest among all algorithms. Furthermore, comparison of the average computing times of different algorithms show the excellent performance of the arc-length parameterized NURBS path interpolation method – using the same CPU clock, the proposed method is approximately five times faster. The proposed method is numerically stable and does not have the problems of error accumulation.