標題: 藉由相對敏感度作為評估色分離現象之指標
Color Break-up Evaluation by Relative Contrast Sensitivity Index
作者: 易宛徵
Wan-Cheng Yi
Han-Ping D. Shieh
Yi-Pai Huang
關鍵字: 色序法;色分離;S-CIELAB;對比敏感度;Field-sequential-color;Color Break-up;S-CIELAB;Contrast Sensitivity
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 色序法成像原理是利用多原色場在人眼視覺暫留的時間內所提供的光刺激累加而合成彩色的圖像。雖然色序法成像具有比目前其他的顯示技術具有更好的顯色特性,卻存在著一個潛在的色分離(CBU),會降低顯示影像的品質,是一個不可忽視的現象。 目前許多色分離的研究偏重於形成機制與解決方法,較少著墨於色分離程度之量化,故此,本研究提出相對對比敏感度(RCS)評估色分離效應的感知。藉由視覺的對比敏感函數計算合成的色分離影像之相對對比敏感度,在高關係係數下證明相對對比敏感度可作為色分離之量化指標。最後利用液晶顯示器特性與色分離基礎,將此指標應用在色序法液晶顯示器上以抑制色分離,提升影像品質。
Field-sequential-color (FSC) image formation mechanism, which displays multi-primary color fields in temporal sequence to form a full-color image. However, color break-up (CBU) or rainbow effect, is a latent artifact in FSC-type displays to degrade visual quality, and has been investigated in the past decades. Many researches of CBU attributed to formation mechanism and resolution. A suitable methodology or an index for quantifying CBU, however, was not well-developed yet. In order to describe CBU, the relative contrast sensitivity (RCS) was proposed to evaluate the sensibility of CBU. RCSs of synthesized CBU images were computed using means of vision-based contrast sensitivity function (CSF). High correlation coefficient between the calculated RCSs and the psychophysical experiment results, that RCS was an applicable candidate as a CBU index. Finally, RCS could be incorporated in the development of CBU suppression methods as a threshold evaluation, and thus the image quality could be improved.


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