標題: 有GPS資訊提供下之公車旅行時間之研究
The Study of Buses Travel Time Estimation with GPS Information Provided
作者: 陳建名
Chein-Ming Chen
Jin-Yuan Wang
關鍵字: 智慧型運輸系統;先進大眾運輸系統;全球定位系統;公車專用道;ITS(Intelligent Transportation Systems);APTS(Advanced Public Transportation System);GPS(Global Positioning System);Bus Lane
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 由於智慧型運輸系統(Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITS)中的先進大眾運輸系統(Advanced Public Transportation System, APTS)之電子技術能有效改善大眾運輸系統,進而吸引更多人搭乘大眾運輸系統,使得交通壅塞得以有效減輕。又先進大眾運輸系統中的即時車輛到站資訊可以改善大眾運輸系統中的派遣任務,並且提高乘客搭乘大眾運輸運具意願。因此旅行時間的預估就變的非常重要。

由於過去研究對於國道旅行時間預估多以佈設大量偵測器收集所需相關資料,然而要在市區佈設大量偵測器需耗費較大成本,加上近年來車輛運用全球定位系統(Global Positioning System, GPS)以達車輛自動定位漸漸普及,因此本研究將以市區公車裝配之GPS回傳的即時資料為本研究主要資料來源。



Attracting more people to take advantage of public mass transit systems, the electronic technologies in Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS) of ITS can gradually ease traffic jams. Among all these, the real-time vehicle arriving information helps most on dispatching jobs, thus improves the will that people take public mass transit. Therefore, the importance of travel time prediction cannot be over-emphasized.
In the past, most of the relative researches all gather their data through a lot of detectors which are needed to be installed, and that costs a big deal whether in time or money. But nowadays, as GPS (Global Position Systems) is generally popular in positioning vehicles, in this study we choose the real-time data by buses equipped with GPS to be our major data source.
We divide bus travel time into “bus running time” and “bus waiting time”. The latter is composed of two parts: the first part is the waiting time that buses wait for signal change in intersections; the second part is the waiting time that passengers board on the buses at bus stops. In this study, we concern only the first part.
The methodology to estimate travel/waiting time in this study is through historical vehicle speed data and the prediction model we construct. In the prediction of waiting time, we classified the database by vehicle speed types into several periods; in each period, different prediction models are used for predicting the waiting time that buses wait for signal changes in intersections.
Also, we take real data as samples. In every bus stop, different prediction time (arrival time, travel time and the waiting time) are respectively analyzed to test the accuracy of the model
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