標題: 有GPS資訊提供下之車輛旅行時間預估模式之研究
The Study of Vehicle Travel Time Estimation using GPS Information
作者: 吳佳峰
Chia-Feng Wu
Jin-Yuan Wang
關鍵字: 旅行時間預估;Travel Time Estimation
公開日期: 2000
摘要:   旅行時間預估,在智慧型運輸系統(Intelligent Transportation System, ITS)中扮演著其中一項重要的腳色。在智慧型運輸系統中之先進大眾運輸系統(Advanced Traveler Information System, ATIS),車輛旅行時間預估除了可提供使用者有用的行前、行進間旅行資訊。在車隊管理方面,車輛旅行時間預估可提供精準之資料以供大眾運輸業者更快速、準確地對車輛以及車隊管理,並及早對延誤班次作調度的工作。
近年來車輛運用全球定位系統(Global Positioning System, GPS)以達車輛自動定位漸漸普及,此外受到國內道路路側偵測器尚有不足之處,因此本研究考慮透過GPS之定位資訊來預估車輛之旅行時間。
  Travel time estimation plays an important role in the Intelligent Transportation Systems u(ITS). Estimated travel time provides travelers useful pre-trip and en-route information. Also, it could provide accurate information for public transportation operators to manage vehicle fleet more efficiently and effectively.
Using Global Positioning System (GPS) for automatic vehicle locationing becomes more and more popular in recent years. The purpose of this research is using these data to estimate the travel time.
We propose a estimation model that could be used both on the urban roads u(with traffic lights impacts) and highways. The vehicle travel time is consisted of two parts: vehicle running time and vehicle delay time (due to traffic lights). We use the GPS information, including vehicle average running speed and former vehicle travel time to adjust the vehicle running time estimation. Also, we use the vehicle stopping behavior to adjust the vehicle delay time estimation.
In order to evaluate the performance of the travel time estimation module, we use the domestic public transportation operators’ vehicle running data to test the estimation module. The testing results demonstrate our proposed estimation model is a sound one.