标题: 具角度调变之背光系统研究
Study of Backlighting System with Angular Modulation
作者: 钟积贤
Chang, Chi-Hsien
Tien, Chung-Hao
关键字: 背光系统;菲涅尔透镜;发光二极体;视角;backlight system;fresnel lens;LED;viewing angle
公开日期: 2008
摘要: 本论文乃是根据超低耗能绿色显示系统(Ultra-Low Power Eco LCD System)的概念,所提出一高效率低耗能的智慧型平面背光光源系统。其核心概念为利用发光二极体(Light Emitting Diode, LED)阵列与菲涅尔透镜(Fresnel Lens),组成一以菲涅尔透镜之光轴为对称轴且可调整出射光场角度之发光源系统。在本论文中,首先提出该光源系统实际之设置,藉由切换阵列中位于光轴或偏离光轴之LED,提供正向模态(normal viewing mode)以及斜向模态(oblique viewing mode)等不同角度分布的光场,并定义各模态之规范。除此之外,针对其角度分布以及光场均匀性做进一步优化。利用此可调变光场角度的背光模组所组成之显示器,可根据实际使用情况调变光源,在兼具经济效益及节能考量之下,期望能达到一能依观赏环境与观赏者位置调整之智慧型多角度节能背光模组。
Aim at the concept of the Ultra-Low Power Eco LCD System, a smart planar backlighting system with high optical efficiency was proposed. The novel backlight system is composed of a light emitting diode (LED) array and cylindrical Fresnel lens. This lens can exhibit flexibility on angular distribution of the emitting optical field. In this thesis, the opto-mechanism setup and the niches of a backlight system would be introduced, discussed how to provide the normal and oblique viewing modes via controlling the LEDs individually. Furthermore, issues of the backlight system on angular distribution and uniformity would be optimized. In addition, the display subject to the above backlight module could reduce the power consumption and improve the economic efficiency by adjusting the LED power ratio. According to the observer’s direction, a viewing switchable backlight can be modulated with different angular distribution.


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