DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorCharng-Horng Hsiehen_US
dc.contributor.authorChyan Yangen_US
dc.description.abstract政府主導推動半導體計畫與新竹科學園區至今,台灣已成為全球高科技產品的製造中心,從高科技產品的功能不斷創新及複雜發展趨勢觀察,IC產業勢必朝SoC方向發展,而台灣為延續競爭優勢,成立了相關的SoC專區。從對SoC產業的觀察,呈顯出許多值得探討的課題,面對SoC複雜的技術趨勢,國內IC公司研發能力不足,因此藉由SoC專區的設立,並進一步推動共同研發計畫,以突破困境;國內其它產業在競爭的環境下,是否也有設立共同研發專區的必要性? 另專區的建立,需歷經多年,顯見專區的設立並不容易,但耗費多時,卻可能影響產業的進展,能否有更快速的建立方式?專區提供多機構的整合平台,然而多機構的共同合作應如何進行,要如何運作平順,其注意事項為何? 從全球產業環境的變遷,藉由探討全球性的產業變化及對台灣的影響,以瞭解台灣的產業必須以研發創新為下一步產業升級手段。然而台灣的產業環境與特性並不利於企業進行研發,因此可藉由共同研發的方式突破此障礙,但企業間常缺乏互信且溝通不易,而成為共同研發的障礙,所以可以設立共同研發專區,以制度信任建立起企業間的互信,有利於各關聯性機構共同合作時的資源充份整合利用,更可消減各成員間的溝通障礙,促使提升整體產業的研發能力。但是專區的設立,往往耗時過久,影響產業發展的時效,更可能對周遭環境造成許多不良的影響,且有經營效率等問題,因此可以思考以虛擬型態的方式來設立專區,綜觀台灣的產業發展環境,許多的產業均已形成明顯的產業聚落,且台灣的交通、通訊等各項重要基礎設施完善,確實有設立虛擬專區的優良條件,尤以對於一些現存的成熟產業進行產業升級時,更可藉虛擬型態的共同研發專區營運,強化產業競爭力。最後探討共同研發專區在營運上應注意之事項,共同研發專區雖然提供了一個整合平台,但因涉及多機構的參與面臨各種不同背景的機構,從共同研發投入、產出等要素及程序,瞭解各參與機構在共同研發整合平台上運作過程中有關人員、資金、技術、智財等要素的處理概念及管理原則,並考量公平及溝通便利等原則,期使研發專區的運作能夠符合參與機構的共同期望。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince the beginning of government’s promotion of semi conductor program and Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan has become the manufacture center of high tech products. Looking at the tendency of continuous innovation and complication of high tech products, we are convinced that IC industry will head for SoC. To continue the competitive advantage, SoC parks have been established in Taiwan. One can find many issues to be discussed on the development of SoC parks. Apparently, R&D capability of domestic IC companies is insufficient to encounter the complicated SoC technology. SoC parks will help solve the difficulty. Is it necessary for other domestic industries to have similar special zones in the tough competition? It is not easy and takes time to build a special zone, which may affect the progress of industries. Are there any ways to expedite establishment of special zones? How shall many institutions work together smoothly in the multiple institution platform in a? What shall one pay attention to? We shall explore changes of global industries and impact on Taiwan from the transition of global industries in order to understand that Taiwanese industries need R&D innovation for the next step of industry upgrade. Industry environment and nature is not friendly to enterprise R&D. Collaborating R&D will help break the barrier. Enterprises lack mutual trust and the communication is not easy. This is the barrier to collaborating R&D. One can build a collaborating R&D special zone to build mutual trust with system trust, which will help integration of resources among institutions and save time. It also removes communication barriers among members to enhance overall industry R&D capability. However, it always takes a long time to build a and that affects the industry development progress and even brings negative impact on the environment and poor efficiency. A virtual industry is an option. Many industries have already obvious industry clusters in Taiwan. Thanks to comprehensive infrastructure such as traffic and communication in Taiwan, we have good conditions to establish virtual industry special zones. For upgrade of mature industries, virtual collaborating R&D special zones will enhance their competency. Finally, we will discuss what to notice on operation of collaborating R&D special zones. Although they provide an integration platform, due to background of different institutions on collaborating R&D input and output procedures, we need to understand concepts and management principles including personnel, fund, technology and IP, etc while considering fair and communication in order to make collaborating R&D special zones meet the expectations of the participated institutions.en_US
dc.subjectCollaboraing R&Den_US
dc.subjectSpecial Zoneen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Establishment of A Special Zone Consisting of Multi-Institutions for Collaborating R&D via the Experiences of SoC Parken_US