標題: 自由貿易港區核心產業的選擇
Selecting Core Industries for Free Trade Zone
作者: 謝慧娟
Hsieh, Hui-Chuan
Feng, Cheng-Min
關鍵字: 自由貿易港區;核心產業;附加價值;市場佔有;產業關聯;Free Trade Zone;core industries;value-added;input-output analysis;market share;value chain
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 隨著產業的快速變化和高度競爭,港口的發展已重新定義其在價值鏈上的功能角色,並逐漸建立港口成為自由貿易港區。為了提升自由貿易港區的競爭力及在自由貿易港區有限的土地上作最有效的運用,選取適當核心產業成為自由貿易港區發展的一項重要議題。 本研究首先由文獻回顧及各國自由貿易港區的比較來闡述自由貿易港區的意義及內涵。由於自由貿易港區核心產業的選定有助於增進自由貿易港區的競爭力,故核心產業的選責宜具有高附加價值,具有高度聯動國內相關產業及在國際市場上具有高度市場佔有率之特性。因此,本研究經由以產業的“附加價值指標”、“市場佔有率指標”、“產業關聯性指標”等三種指標分別選取各自的產業,而後再由“此三種指標選出產業之交集產生自由貿易區的核心產業。 本研究透過所選取的核心產業及核心產業的關聯性產業,建議政府提供相關之政策誘因,吸引其進入自由貿易港區內,並發揮加乘的效果,帶動區內及國內市場的發展。此外,本研究以台灣自由貿易港區為例,分析其核心產業選取的過程。研究成果顯示“卑金屬及其零組件業”、“電子電機業”、“化學及有關工業”為最適合自由貿易港區的產業。
The growth of global business has brought about more intense global competition. In order to face this challenge, port’s development has redefined its functions and roles in value-driven chains, with ports being gradually established as free trade zones (FTZs). To enhance the competitiveness and efficient use of the limited land area of FTZs, the most critical issue is in selecting suitable core industries within the FTZs. The study first explores the meaning and concept of FTZs by using literature review and the comparison of FTZs in different countries. One way to enhance the competitiveness of FTZs is to introduce high value-added industries, having strong linkage with domestic industries and high market share in a competitive market to the core industries. This study aims at selecting core industries in FTZs through the intersection set of three indicators, namely value-added, market share, and backward and forward industrial linkage in output analysis. To attract core industries to move into FTZs in Taiwan, this study suggests some strategic incentives to these core industries and related industries, which may form industry clusters and benefit regional and domestic economic development. It is found from the empirical study that ′base metals and articles of base metals′, ′machinery and electronic components′, and ′products of the chemical or allied industries′ can be selected as the core industries in FTZs in Taiwan.


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