標題: 改善自由貿易港區廠商滿意度關鍵因素之研究-以基隆港自由貿易港區為例
Key Factor for Improving Manufacturers Satisfaction in Free Trade Zone -A Case Study of Keelung Free Trade Zone
作者: 高誌宏
Kao, Chih-Hung
Hwang, Ming -Jiu
關鍵字: 基隆港自由貿易港區;Keelung Free Trade Zone;Customers Satisfaction Degree;Tetraclass Model;Correspondence Analysis
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 我國自由貿易港區發展至今已近十年,「五海一空」自由貿易港區對外招商營運亦經多年努力,但其成效並未達預期目標,本研究想要探討如何提昇廠商進自由貿易港區的關鍵因素,並且修正這些因素的情況下,讓廠商願意進來投資。 本研究採用Tetraclasse 模式探討基隆港自由貿易港區的服務屬性,此模式將顧客滿意度與不滿意度視為兩個相互獨立的軸向,並結合對應分析,求得要素或要素對滿意度之影響程度,然後進行分類。每個服務項目經過對應性分析之後,都會得到一組二維座標,清楚區分基本型、加分型、關鍵型、次要與無關型要素。本研究利用專家問卷訪問了解基隆港自由貿易港區進駐業者對於自由貿易港區所提供服務屬性的看法,透過他們填答問卷背後的思維,來探討目前基隆港自由貿易港區的關鍵問題。 模式結果顯示有五項因素只要目前的服務稍加改善,業者對於基隆港自由貿易港區的滿意度就會大增,這幾項因素分別如下:申請委外加工程序情況、海關通關放行驗貨效率、海關管理條例修訂、恢復自由貿易港區協調委員會處理跨港區事務、自由貿易港區設管條例罰則修訂,對於這幾項因素,建議政府著手改善目前的狀況,相信業者會對自由貿易港區更有信心,讓自由貿易港區可以真正發揮「加值」的功能。
The free-trade zone in Taiwan has promote investment for many years but the effect hasn’t reach the anticipated goal. How to encourage more Manufacturers to enter the free-trade zone and explore the key factors are the important and urgent issues. This research explore the service elements of the free-trade zone with the Tetraclass Model. We use the professional questionnaire to ask the Manufacturers about their opinions to the service elements of the free-trade zone, investigating the key factors of entering and investing the free-trade zone. This research use Keelung Port as an case study and the results show that there are five key factors equipped with “with a little bit improvement, a greater satisfaction”. These five factors include (1) the procedure of applying for the outsourced manufacturing (2) the efficiency of checking the cargo of the customs (3) the revision of the customs management law (4) the restoration of coping with coordinating cross-port affairs of the free-trade zone coordination committee (5) the revision of the penalty of the free-trade zone management law. We advise the government to improve the above five key factors and develop the capability of “value added” of the free trade zone.