標題: 解決小尺寸色序法液晶顯示器之色分離現象
Demonstration of a Mobile-Sized Field Sequential Color LCD for Color Break-up Suppression
作者: 吳建良
Chien-Liang Wu
Han-Ping D. Shieh
Yi-Pai Huang
關鍵字: 色序法;色分離;field sequential color;color break-up
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 色序法顯示器原理是利用三原色場循序顯示的時間混色法來混出所有顏色,取代了傳統液晶顯示器的空間混色法。這種顯示法具備了以下的優點:高色彩飽和度、高光穿透度、高解析度以及低功率消耗,但此種顯示器卻衍生出一個問題,我們稱之為色分離現象,這個現象將會影響到人眼觀看影像的品質,是一個不可忽視的問題。 基於以上的論述,我們提出了兩個可以有效解決靜態以及動態色分離現象的方法。第一個方法為:RGBWmin,此方法可以有效的抑制靜態的色分離現象;第二個方法為;Five Color Field Arrangement with Wmin (5-CFA with Wmin),此方法不僅可以抑制靜態色分離現象,也可以有效的解決動態色分離現象。最後我們將這些方法實現於5.6吋的色序法液晶顯示器上,並使用此硬體架構做進一步的實驗,也成功驗證了我們所提出解決色分離方法的可行性。
The Field Sequential Color (FSC) LCD displays red, green and blue fields sequentially to mix a full color image by temporal color mixing method. It has some advantages, such as high transmittance, high resolution, high color saturation and low power consumption. However, color break-up (CBU) is a serious issue to reduce image quality. We proposed two methods for reducing CBU phenomenon. First one is RGBWmin, which can reduce static CBU by reducing the intensities of R, G, and B fields. The other one is Five Color Field Arrangement with Wmin (5-CFA with Wmin), which combines RGBWmin and color field arrangement to suppress dynamic and static CBU simultaneously. These two methods were successfully implemented in a 5.6-inch Optically Compensated Bend (OCB) mode FSC-LCD. Finally, we used the 5.6-inch FSC-LCD and a high speed camera to experiment for static and dynamic CBU. The experimental results reveal that static CBU were reduced by inserting a Wmin field. Furthermore, dynamic CBU were eliminated by using 5-CFA with Wmin method.


  1. 453701.pdf

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