標題: 分散式控制混合型被動光纖網路之設計成果
Design and Implementation of Novel Distributed Control Hybrid Passive Optical Network
作者: 林文翔
Wen-Hsiang Lin
Jyehong Chen
關鍵字: 被動光纖網路;PON
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 近年來,數位化資訊的蓬勃發展,網際網路的普及,以往以數據為導向的網路服務漸漸轉成以視頻、語音和數據整合為主,所以用戶需要的網路頻寬也越來越大。以前用的非對稱數位用戶迴路網路系統已不敷使用,然而被動式光纖網路系統可以提供很大的網路頻寬,而受到極大的重視,漸漸取代了非對稱數位用戶迴路網路系統。標準的分時多工、分頻多工被動式光纖網路系統中,時槽和波長的利用是很沒效率的,因為閒置中的時槽或波長無法被共用,而造成頻寬浪費。集中式動態頻寬分配由於封包訊息無法即時的更新,使封包延遲造成即時資料停頓。因此我們提出了一個全新架構的系統:分散式控制混合型被動光纖網路。 分散式控制混合型被動光纖網路結合了分時多工與分波多工技術,以增加網路頻寬和降低成本,分散式動態頻寬分配可以將封包訊息即時的更新,使即時資料不會延遲。我們用元件可程式邏輯閘陣列來實踐光路線終端以及光網路單元,實際的架起一個分散式控制混合型被動光纖網路系統。
Recently due to digital information flourishing and internet penetrating, formerly data-oriented network services changed into the integration of video, voice, and data. Users need larger and larger bandwidth. ADSL cannot support with bandwidth now, PON gradually replaces ADSL because of larger bandwidth. In the PON network system, TDM-PON and WDM-PON, the use of slot and wavelength is not very efficient since idle in the slot and wavelength cannot be shared. Then centralized control dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) cannot update packets information immediately, so it makes real-time data delay. For this reason, we propose a novel system:Distributed Control Hybrid Passive Optical Network (DHPON) DHPON combines TDM-PON and WDM-PON to increase the network bandwidth and reduce costs, distributed control DBA can update packets information immediately avoiding real-time data delay. We use FPGA to set up optical line terminal (OLT) and optical network unit (ONU) constructing a DHPON system.


  1. 454701.pdf

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