標題: 摻雜硼、磷之二氧化鈦對太陽能電池的影響
The Effects of B-/P-doped TiO2 on Solar Cells
作者: 洪文彬
關鍵字: 二氧化鈦;硼磷摻雜;太陽能電池;TiO2;Boron/Phosphorous-doping;Solar cell
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究主要目的為探討摻雜硼、磷之二氧化鈦奈米粒子薄膜,應用在染料敏化以及量子點太陽能電池上,對其整體效率的影響。我們採用兩種不同的二氧化鈦來源:市售(P25)與水熱法合成,以及硼酸和亞磷酸,利用一簡單方法製備摻雜硼、磷之二氧化鈦奈米粒子,並藉由XRD、XPS、SEM和AM1.5逐一分析。 總的來說,二氧化鈦在經過摻雜硼、磷前後,其晶相和粒子大小均無明顯變化;但在光電轉換效率方面,無論是在染料敏化或是量子點太陽能電池上,均顯示摻雜硼的二氧化鈦會使得轉換效率有一增強的效應,尤其是在水熱法合成之二氧化鈦吸附染料(N3),效率從3.05 %(未摻雜)上升至4.65 %(摻雜10%硼)。而摻雜磷則會讓整體效率大幅度的下降,磷的濃度上升其效率下降的程度也越明顯。
This study investigates the effects of the B-/P-doped TiO2 applied in thin film electrode on the performance of the dye-sensitized and quantum dot solar cells. The B-/P-doped TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared by sol-gel method and by using commercial P25 with varying amounts of dopants. Boric acid and phosphorous acid were used as boron and phosphorous sources. All samples were characterized by XRD, XPS and SEM analyses, and by AM1.5 simulations. Generally speaking, the TiO2 after doping of boron or phosphorous, its crystalling phase and particle size do not change significantly. But the performance of B-doped TiO2 on dye-sensitized and quantum dot solar cells shows that, addition of more boron dopants resulted in higher efficiencies. Particularly the efficiency was noted to increase from 3.1 % without doping to 4.7 % with 10 % B-doping for the N3 dye cell. On the other hand, addition of an increasing amount of phosphorous dopants results in a significant decrease in the overall efficiency.


  1. 552601.pdf

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