標題: 高中生選擇補習班之決策行為研究-以彰化市地區為例
The Decision of Senior High School Students on Selecting Cram School – taking Changhua city for example.
作者: 莊雅筑
Hwang, Jen-Hung
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 選擇行為;購買決策;補習班;Selection Behavior;Purchasing Decision;cram school
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 隨著經濟起飛,一般大眾物質生活提升、亦日益重視精神生活,加上少子化以及教育制度的改變,父母對小孩教育的重視程度亦顯加重,是故形成家長耗費心力送子女前往補習班學習的趨勢。 本研究透過文獻資料彙整台灣補習班的類型及其架構,並以Engle、Blackwell、Miniard(1993)所提出的EKB修正模型為基礎,探討高中生人口統計變數(性別)及其參考團體(家長)收入、教育程度、職業、家中子女個數對其選擇補習班之參加動機、資訊來源、評估準則以及選擇後滿意度之影響。 以彰化市高中生為問卷母體,實證結果顯示不同家長教育程度以及不同家中子女個數的高中生在參加動機上有顯著差異;不同家長教育程度、職業、家庭月收入以及不同家中子女個數的高中生在資訊來源上有顯著差異;不同性別的高中生以及不同參考群體之高中生,在評估準則以及擇後滿意度上有顯著差異。 本研究最後根據研究結果提出針對不同消費者及不同參考團體之人口統計特性的行銷策略建議,以期提供目前執業中的補教業人士用以招生並改善補習班以達完善舒適且符合消費者期許之補習環境;此外亦提供給有心想創業的補教業人士,使之減低補教業的進入障礙,並建立完善的補習班環境。
With the economic growth in Taiwan, people pay more attention not only to the physical life but also the spiritual life. Besides with the popular concept of having fewer babies, and the change of education system, the parents emphasize the education of the children more. So there are more and more cram schools now. The paper categorizes the types of the cram schools in Taiwan, and discusses the influences between the characteristics of the consumers and the decision process – the motive, information search, alternative evaluation, and the outcome based on the consumer decision process model revised by Engle, Blackwell, and Miniard. The characteristics of the consumers include gender, income, avocation, educational degree of the parents, and the numbers of the children in the family. This paper concludes that the educational degree of the parents and the numbers of the children in the family affect the motive of the consumers; the educational degree, vocation, income of the parents and the numbers of the children in the family affect the information search of the consumers; the different genders of the consumers and different characteristics of the parents do affect the decision process of the consumer. At last, the paper comes up with some suggestions for marketing.
Appears in Collections:Thesis