Title: | 購買涉入程度對行動通訊手機消費者購買決策行為影響之研究-以台北縣市地區為例 A Study of the Influence of Purchasing Involvement on Purchasing Decision Behavior for Mobile Phone Consumers - The Case of Taipei Area |
Authors: | 游婷雅 You Tin - Ya 黃仁宏 陳光華 Hwang Jen-Hung; Chen Quang-Hua 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 行動通訊手機;購買涉入理論;購買決策行為;市場區隔;Mobile Phone;Purchasing Involvement;Purchasing Decision Behavior;Market Segment |
Issue Date: | 2007 |
Abstract: | 行動通訊手機為目前台灣普及率、汰換率頗高的科技通訊產品,市場已逐漸成熟且趨於飽和,不僅持有者的年齡層逐年在下降,汰舊換新亦將持續成為推動市場成長的主力。然而,消費者的購買行為因人而異,回顧國內有關行動通訊手機的研究,大部份是針對消費者行為或以生活型態來建立行動通訊手機市場區隔,較少著重於消費者涉入的研究。而購買涉入理論能合理地解釋不同的消費特性與不同的購買決策行為。 本研究應用購買涉入理論於行動通訊手機,並參考Slama & Taschian(1985)之購買涉入量表,並在語意上加以修改後,用以衡量消費者購買涉入程度之高低,主要的目的是在探討不同購買涉入程度之消費族群對於行動通訊手機的購買決策行為之差異,並描繪不同購買涉入程度的消費族群特徵。 本研究採用隨機抽樣法,以台北縣市地區行動通訊手機使用者為研究對象,進行問卷抽樣調查。在資料蒐集完成後,以因素分析粹取購買涉入之構面因素,並依此將消費者以集群分析進行分群,將行動通訊手機之消費者區分為三大消費集群:衝動購買族、積極探索族與無關緊要族;不同的消費族群代表著不同的購買涉入程度。 實證結果顯示,不同購買涉入程度之消費集群,其購買決策行為具有顯著差異性;在性別、年齡、教育程度、職業與月可支配所得等部分人口變數亦存在顯著差異。根據分析結果,行動通訊手機消費者可依其購買涉入程度進行市場區隔,並於論文最後提出行銷策略上之建議,以供目前從事行動通訊手機業之相關業者參考,使其能更容易接觸到目標市場。 Mobile phone has become extremely popular and the rate of replacement of old ones are very high in Taiwan. The market of mobile phone has been mature gradually. Not only the replacement of old ones becomes the main force of market growth but also individual purchasing behaviors are different. However, when we observe the research about mobile phones in Taiwan, we find that there are seldom studies of consumer involvement. The purchasing involvement theory reasonably explains why consumers have different consumer behaviors and purchasing process. The study applied purchasing involvement to mobile phone. Referring and revising the Purchasing Involvement scales developed by Slama & Taschian (1985) to measure consumers’ involvement. In addition, relevance between the degree of the purchasing involvement and purchasing decision behaviors was examined, and consumers of various purchasing types based on involvement were profiled. This survey uses simply random sampling method. After collecting the raw data, Factor Analysis was used to extract the constructs of purchasing involvement, and Cluster Analysis was conducted to sort the consumers into three market segmentations. They are Impulse Buyers, Information Surfers and Indifference Shoppers. Different purchasing types represent different purchasing involvement levels. Then, Chi-Square Analysis and Analysis of Variance were applied to examine the differences both in the purchasing decision behavior and in the individual characteristics among consumers of various purchasing types. The empirical studies indicated that there are significant differences in the variables of purchasing motivation, information seeking, product attributions, consumer behaviors and demographics among consumers of various purchasing types. According to the results, mobile phone consumers could be segmented in terms of their purchasing involvement. Finally, the marketing implications of purchasing involvement theory were discussed and some valuable strategies were suggested for promoting mobile phone. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/39066 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |