标题: 探討品牌權益與服務失敗歸因之交互作用對於顧客滿意度之影響
The Interactive Effects between Brand Equity and Firm's Controllability over a Service Failure on Customer Satisfaction
作者: 施慧妤
Hui-Yu Shih
Chia-Chi Chang
关键字: 品牌權益;服務失敗歸因;負面情緒;brand equity;firm's controllability over a service failure;negative emotions
公开日期: 2007
摘要: 本篇論文主要是在研究品牌權益與服務失敗歸因之交互作用對顧客滿意度的影響。本篇作者檢視兩種對立的假設,一個是愛是盲目的效果,另一個是由愛生恨效果。
This study investigates the effects of brand equity on customer satisfaction after service failures. We posit that the effects of brand equity are contingent upon the attributions customers make about the firm’s controllability over a service failure. Two competing hypotheses are examined and reconciled. The “love is blind” hypothesis posits that when low controllability is inferred, the satisfaction reduction after a service failure (compared to satisfaction before a service failure) will be smaller for high-equity brand than for low-equity
brand. On the other hand, the “love becomes hate” hypothesis specifies that when high controllability is inferred, the satisfaction reduction after a service failure will be stronger for high-equity brand than for low-equity brand. The hypotheses are tested with a scenario
methodology and this study conducted research in two ervice industries: hair salons and restaurants.


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