Title: 高鐵通車前後台灣西部走廊旅客運具選擇行為之比較分析
Analysis of Mode Choice Bahavior Before-and-After the Operation of the Taiwan High Speed Rail
Authors: 徐翊庭
Yi-Ting Hsu
Shang-Hsing Hsieh
Keywords: 運具選擇;城際運輸;顯示性偏好;多項羅吉特模式;Mode Choice;Intercity Travel;Revealed Preference (RP);Multinomial Logit Model
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 台灣高鐵已於96年1月正式營運通車,對於西部走廊長程旅客市場已經造成衝擊。由於公路運輸路網相當完備,根據近5年西部走廊的旅運資料顯示,私人運具在國道的使用量上升,反觀各城際大眾運輸的旅客均逐年下降。高鐵通車後,興起一波大眾運輸的風潮。也由於油價高漲,96年開始,私人運具的使用量開始趨緩下降。這顯示往後幾年將是大眾運輸的年代。
Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) operated since Jan. 2007. It almost impact on the intercity transportation market of Taiwan western corridor. As the urban road network is pluperfect, private vehicle ascendant on freeway in recent years. After THSR operating and the soar-up of oil price, private vehicle starts to hasten the slow drop. This demonstration several years will be the populace transportation age.
Before the high speed railway actually starts, previous studies mainly investigate with stated preference (SP). This study will adopt the revealed preference (RP) method to estimate the utility function, and analyze the mode choice behavior of passengers when the Taiwan High Speed Rail operators changed their transportation services. This survey includes for major routes, Taipei to Kaohsiung, Taipei to Taichung, and Taichung to Kaohsiung, and adopts face to face interview to process data collection at intercity terminals. The data set contains high-speed rail, air, train, bus, and car. The empirical results of the multinomial logit choice models reveal that travel time, egress time, sex, educational background, personal income, career, and number of car are significant variables associated with the choice of intercity modes. The results provide important implications for travel demand forecasts and policy decisions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis


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