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dc.contributor.authorWei-Cheng Lien_US
dc.contributor.authorShu-Hsing Chungen_US
dc.description.abstract彩色濾光片為薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器之關鍵零組件,近年因面板需求增加,使得TFT-LCD公司在成本考量之下亦開始自行設置彩色光片內製廠;彩色濾光片內製廠與協力廠間設有外包產品之種類及數量限制。為解決內製廠之排程問題,及內製與外包產品之決策問題,本文探討彩色濾光片之主生產排程規劃問題。於流程式生產特性下,考量訂單交期、順序相依之設置時間、機台產能與製程規格能力限制、光罩之數量限制、以及與協力商制定之外包條件下,提出「主生產排程建構機制」,提供管理者作為規劃之參考。 本機制應用滾動排程之概念,依各筆訂單交期為界設定規劃區間,以進行分段求解。首先考量機台產能、可用外包數量、以及光罩之數量是否足以負荷總體訂單之需求,並根據初估結果判別需求屬於淡、旺季之情境。接續針對各情境建構對應之整數規劃模式搭配產出規劃流程,以極小化自製及外包成本為目標,規劃出各產品別於各機台之生產順序、開始加工時點與生產數量、光罩配置方式、及交予外包商生產之各期產品種類與數量。 驗證結果顯示,於淡、旺季之情境下,各機台皆以最小設置時間進行排程,以充分利用機台與光罩產能,並且挑選出最適之委外加工之產品種類及數量,以符合各需求情境之限制。整體而言,本文所發展之模式可提供實務資訊予以管理者制定委外產品決策、各種物料確切備料時點之依據,並給予下層生產控制單位明確之生產排程及光罩配置方式。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractColor Filter (CF) is a critical component of TFT-LCD (Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display) panel. The increasing demand of panel leads to the economic scale for building an in-house CF plant in these days. For an in-house CF plant, its outsourcing firms set the constraints about product types and amount for outsourcing. To solve the in-house CF plant scheduling problem, and to determinie in-house manufacturing and outsourcing amount problem, this thesis focuses on the in-house CF plant, and proposed a mechanism regarding to master production schedule (MPS). It is a flow shop scheduling problem with considerations order’s due date, sequence dependent setup time, machine capacity, machine dedication, reticle resources, and outsourcing constraints contracted with suppliers. This mechanism applies the concept of rolling horizon planning, setting the length of a planning interval by the first due day among orders so as to solve the problem part by part. We first consider the capacity of machines, outsourcing amount, and reticle resources to see if their supply can bear the aggregate demand of orders. According to the estimation, we can recognize current demanding belongs to the environment of slack season or rush season, then using the corresponding integer programming model that matched with a output planning procedure for achieving minimum manufacturing and outsourcing cost. This procedure thus generates the production sequence on each machine, releasing time and the production amount for each product type, the schedule of each reticle, and the the product types and amount for outsourcing. Experimental studies reveal that each machine was scheduled with minimum setup time to make full use of capacity and reticles in both rush and slack seasons. Besides, this mechanism considers the demand season to select the most suitable product type and amount for outsourcing. Consequently, the mechanism proposed in this thesis can provide practical information for manager to make outsourcing decision, for determining exact arrival time of each kind of material, and for detail production and reticle scheduling to shop floor control.en_US
dc.subjectIn-house Color Filter planten_US
dc.subjectFlow shopen_US
dc.subjectSequence dependent setup timeen_US
dc.subjectInteger programmingen_US
dc.subjectRolling horizon planningen_US
dc.subjectReticle resourceen_US
dc.titleThe Design of Master Production Scheduling Mechanism for In-house Color Filter Planten_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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