Title: 應用引文分析和社群網路分析於供應鏈管理之研究
The Study of Supply Chain Management Using Co-citation Analysis and Social Network Analysis
Authors: 彭志祺
Jhih-Ci Peng
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 供應鏈管理;共引用分析;社群網路分析;Supply Chain Management (SCM);Co-Citation;Social network analysis
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 在全球競爭環境的新時代,因為現今企業最重要的典範轉移為單一企業不在被視為唯一性及不變性的,而是應該被視為供應鏈的體系,所以供應鏈管理在企業環境中扮演很重要的角色,由於供應鏈管理它是相當新且廣泛的概念,很多研究者從很多學科裡分析文獻並探討供應鏈概念是如何的演進、改變和定義。 在這一個研究中,藉由實證性分析研究,我們使用共引用分析及社群網路分析方法,探索供應鏈管理的主題及文件兩者之間的關係,並找出最密切相關的連結,我們希望藉由此研究的初步結果,可以幫忙專家們更容易了解供應鏈的主要趨勢、理解智慧架構和動向,以及找出供應鏈管理和其他領域之間的關係,並且快速的找出經典文獻。
In this era of global competitive environment, Supply Chain Management (SCM) plays an important role in the environment of an enterprise because the most important significant paradigm shifts of modern business environment that individual business no longer consider as unique and immutable, but rather must be seen as supply chain. Due to SCM, it is a relatively new extensive concept that many researchers analyze the literature from multiple disciplines by seeing how the supply chain concept has evolved and changed and defined. In this study, by using empirical experiment, we use co-citation method and social network analysis to discover the most closely related links between sets of subjects or documents of SCM. Based on our research results that we hope to help specialists easily realize the main trends, understand of intellectual structure and movement in the SCM and in other areas, and locate relevant papers efficiently.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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