Title: 跨國企業之供應鏈佈局分析與績效管理之研究-以M公司之個人電腦產品為例
On the Analysis for Supply Chain Design and Performance Management for Transnational Companies – A Case Study of M Company, a Personal Computer Manufacturer
Authors: 游志貿
Yu, Chih-Mao
Yao, Ming-Jong
Keywords: 供應鏈管理;績效管理;SCOR;supply chain management;performance management
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 台灣個人電腦業在激烈的全球化競爭環境下,造成代工毛利急速萎縮,紛紛轉型利潤較高的自有品牌經營模式,但隨著近年來各家個人電腦品牌大廠產品也出現低價化,自有品牌經營除了運用差異化策略,也需要更有效率的供應鏈支持。
本研究針對個人電腦廠商在全球化的經營環境中,面臨供應鏈佈局與績效衡量管理的挑戰,運用以流程為導向的供應鏈作業參考 (Supply-Chain Operations Reference, SCOR)模型為企業建立供應鏈流程參考模型,藉此深入探討供應鏈佈局與績效衡量的分析。  SCOR模型也以作為供應鏈的診斷工具,它能使供應鏈夥伴間有效溝通供應鏈問題,進一步分析改善,協助管理者提出更優質的戰略決策。
Taiwan PC companies had been gaining the rapid shrinking in margin caused by fierce global competition, and had made transformation to the business model of own-brand with higher margins. However, various brand computers also start lowering down the selling prices in recent years. In addition to differentiation strategy, own-brand PC companies are also desperate for the support of more efficient supply chains.
This research utilizes the process-oriented Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model as our analysis tool for investigating the distribution of the supply chain and the performance management of a global PC company. The SCOR model could also serve as a diagnostic tool for supply chain management, which enables effective communication among supply chain partners about supply chain issues, and to identify improvement proposals, so that managers can come up with better strategies.
Our study found that the case company can use the framework from SCOR model that defines, develops, and analyzes the supply chain operations with in-depth interviews. We also employ the approaches of performance decomposition and causal analysis to identify improvement proposals and recommended the case company to implement delay differentiation model, for effectively reducing the overall inventory while meeting customer needs timely. It also suggested that the case company can co-design packaging materials with the suppliers through the development of shared packaging materials among models to decrease overall inventory of packaging material, and reduce the use of factory warehouse space. Finally, our results suggest the case company may establish a complete supply chain performance management system, as a basis for continuous improvement of the supply chain to improve overall supply chain performance.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363607
Appears in Collections:Thesis