Title: 台灣電子付款中介服務發展策略分析
A Strategic Analysis of Taiwan’s e-payment System Integration Services
Authors: 鍾曉芬
Keywords: 創新密集服務;產業創新系統;e-payment 產業;Innovation intensive services;Industrial innovation system;e-payment industry
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本研究結合創新密集服務平台與產業創新系統,以一套兼具企業面及產業面之創新密集服務業分析模式,提出未來策略發展與產業發展的建議。並以台灣e-payment 系統服務產業為實證研究對象,驗證此模式之可行性。 在企業層級部份,以創新密集服務分析為分析架構,在此架構下以四種客製化程度為橫軸與五種創新類型作為縱軸,架構出20 種可能的經營型態,透過專家問卷分析目前的台灣e-payment 系統服務業者之策略定位與未來的策略走向,以及不同策略下所需配合的企業服務價值活動及外部資源涵量。企業服務價值活動與外部資源涵量同時可與產業層級之產業創新系統進行連結。在產業層級部分,產業創新系統包括產業環境構面與技術系統構面。本研究透過專家問卷方式求得之企業策略定位可與產業環境、技術系統兩大產業層級構面之相對應;透過企業層級之策略定位與關鍵成功要素分析,可建構出具創新密集服務業思維之產業創新系統,協助創新密集服務業產業內之業者提升其服務價值活動與外部資源之掌握程度,進而提升整體產業競爭力。 在實證結果上,台灣e-payment 系統服務業者目前定位於「產品創新之一般型服務」,未來(5∼10 年)策略定位為「流程創新之專屬化服務」。在未來策略定位下,服務價值活動以「測試認證」、「行銷」、「配銷」、「售後服務」、「支援活動」五大構面為重要核心。外部資源涵量則是以「研究發展」、「技術」、「製造」及「其他使用者」為關鍵構面。所需配合之產業創新系統為技術系統構面之「產業網路連接性」。過去國內文獻多從e-payment 業者的經營模式或企業用戶導入e-payment 的應用成果來進行分析,分析方法以個案研究法和文獻分析法為主,少數有關e-payment 產業之研究,僅以鑽石理論模型為主。本研究採用量化與質化的方法,運用創新密集服務平台與產業創新系統分析台灣e-payment 企業與產業兩層級,使得國內學術文獻更為完整。
This study constructs an integrated model of innovation intensive services (IIS)and industrial innovation systems, which includes both industry-level and firm-level approaches to depict the future suggestion of strategy development. A case study ofTaiwan’s e-payment service industry is also used in this research to demonstrate the validity of this analytical model.At the firm-level, by structuring IIS matrix, emcompassing four service packages and five innovation modes, we elucidated the strategic positioning and futuredevelopment trends of the industry. It was found that core competence andexternalities required to compete effectively are determined in the industry. The model respectively dissects four influential factors of industrial environmentsand technological systems at the industry-level analysis to verify the requirements of industrial innovation system. IIS-IIS Matrix will help deduce critical elements of industrial environment and technological systems at the industry level by strategic positioning and KSFs in the firm level. The requirements of industrial environmentand technological systems will be consolidated into the industrial innovation systems by using the IIS approach.Results of the case study show that Taiwan’s e-payment System Integration Services Industry presently positions itself in the Generic Service Package/Product Innovation. In the next 5 years, it will transfer into the position of the Unique Service Package/Process Innovation. The critical core competences in this position include Validation of Testing, Marketing, Delivery, After Service and Supporting Activities. The critical externalities activities include R&D, Technology, Production and Other users. The critical industrial innovation systems include Connectivity. This research results are of great academic and practical importance. It provides a mechanistic understanding of Taiwan’s e-payment service development and complements current academic references.
Appears in Collections:Thesis