標題: 企業文化類型與企業之社會責任策略關聯性探討
A Study on the Relationship between the Type of Corporate Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
作者: 粘瀞予
Nien, Ching-Yu
Mao, Chi-Kuo
關鍵字: 企業文化;企業社會責任;Corporate Culture;Corporate Social Responsibility
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 企業究竟為誰而戰?自古以來從訴訟判決的爭議,到法學思想、理論學派的論辯時有所聞,隨著時代的演進,社會價值觀也有所轉變。本研究探討美國數十年來對企業社會責任的文獻得知,基於不同的時代背景與立場角度,學科理論與價值取向,企業社會責任的內涵與外延在不同的學者心目中大相徑庭。而企業同樣擁有自己的一把尺,在長期的經營活動中形成的共同信念、價值觀、行爲準則和道德規範,我們稱之為為企業文化。文化的不同,讓企業選擇著力的社會責任領域是否有所不同?因此,本研究欲探討擁有不同企業文化的企業,如何看待企業社會責任?又其選擇著力的社會責任領域為何?企業如何有智慧的運用企業社會責任,並以策略的方式將之融入到企業的經營之中,乃是本研究欲探討的重要議題。 本研究整合國內外學者既有的研究與看法,發展出本研究對企業社會責任的觀點,建構一個合則周延、分則互斥的宏觀理論架構。並以思科、國際商業機器、蓋普、英特爾、星巴克、與耐吉等六個個案進行實證分析。研究結果發現: 一、擁有「適應性文化」特質的企業,通常在社會壓力的迫使下,才開始學習正視社會責任,並有極高的效率來達成社會責任目標。 二、擁有「任務型文化」特質的企業,強調達成組織目標的明確願景,極度仰賴組織成員為公司達成目標,以「員工關係」責任策略作為最基本的社會責任投入。 三、擁有「一致性文化」特質的企業,尤其企業價值觀以正直、儉約、誠信為一切行為之基礎的企業,企業領導人與主管以身作則,並成為組織成員的行為準則,最後成為企業整體的行為結果。 四、擁有「參與型文化」特質的企業,透過充分授權夥伴的方式,讓執行者、管理者及員工對自己的工作都有所承諾,助益企業社會責任策略在各地落實。
For whom the enterprises fight on earth? Since ancient times, from the dispute of lawsuit judgement, law science thought, to theory school, with the gradual progress of the times, the social values are changed. This study probes into the literature about the corporate social responsibility in these decades in U.S.A., on the basis of different time background, position, and value orientation, the intension and extension of corporate social responsibility are far from different scholars. And enterprises have their own ruler too. Long-term business activities shaped into common conviction, values, criterion and code of ethic, we call that is ‘corporate coulture‘. Is it different that the difference of the types of culture of enterprises to put forth effort in social responsibility fields? So, this study wants to probe that how enterprises with different corporate cultures regard with corporate social responsibility? And how enterprises exercise corporate responsibility wisely, and incorporate it into the management of enterprises strategically, it is an important topic of this study. This study tries to integrate researches and views that domestic and international scholars have already published, and constructs a macroscopic theory structure of exhaustive but mutual exclusion. And use as six cases to proceed practice analysis, include Cisco, IBM, GAP, Intel, Starbucks, and Nike. The result of study is found: 1. Enterprises with 'adaptability culture', usually just begin to learn to face social responsibility under the forcing of social pressure, and have extremely high efficiency to reache the social responsibility goal. 2. Enterprises with ' mission culture', put emphasis on reaching the organizational goal, and depend on members to reach the goal extremely, so they regard responsibility strategy of 'the relationship of employee ' as the basic social responsibility input. 3. Enterprise with 'consistency culture', especially with honest, frugal and integrity characteristics, the leaders and executives set a good example with members' conduct, and become enterprises' whole behavior result in the end. 4. Enterprises with 'involvement culture', by the way of fully authorizing all partners, and let the executors, administrators and staffs promise their own work to some extent, and benefiting the social responsibility strategies are implemented in the world.