標題: 從「區位理論」探討傳統電波廣播、線上播音與隨選播音之競爭情形—由節目內容資源角度分析之
A Niche Analysis on the Competition among Traditional Radio Stations, Internet Radio Stations and Audio-on-demand Radio Stations
作者: 鄭貴月
Kuei-Yueh Cheng
Shu-Chu Li
關鍵字: 生態理論;區位理論;網路廣播;市場競爭;Organizational ecology;Niche theory;Internet radio;Market competition
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 自1993年廣播電臺頻道開放後,國內廣播電臺數量遽增,且隨著著數位科技的快速發展,更增加廣播市場的競爭情形。本研究以組織生態學之區位理論來分析傳統電波廣播、線上播音以及隨選播音之區位寬度、區位重疊度及區位優勢,用以檢視這三種廣播媒體之資源使用模式及競爭優劣勢。 本研究共抽取26間廣播電臺,總計1001小時的廣播節目內容進行內容分析,研究結果發現,線上播音與隨選播音競爭最為劇烈,網路廣播還不足以威脅傳統電波廣播的市場區位,兩者之間屬於互補的關係;此外,由於線上播音兼具實體電臺與網路廣播之特性,因此居於較佳的競爭地位。
This study adopted the niche theory to examine the competition among traditional radio stations, Internet radio stations, and audio-on-demand radio stations in terms of their niche breadth, niche overlap, and competitive superiority. This study used content analysis to examine the program contents of 26 radio stations, and a total of 1001 program hours of radio stations were analyzed by this study. The data analysis shows that the traditional radio stations and the Internet radio stations are more complementary than competitive with each other, while the strongest competition exists between the Internet radio stations and the audio-on-demand radio stations. Furthermore, this study found that the Internet radio stations stand in the best competitive position among the three types of radio stations. More findings were discussed in the thesis.


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