標題: 竹材創新設計之探索與應用
Exploring Vernacular Material and Design Application ─ A Case Study Based on Bamboo
作者: 許秀涵
Hsu, Hsiu-Han
Lin, Ming-Huang
關鍵字: 竹、環境、文化、創意設計、材質;Bamboo, Environment, Culture, Creative design, Material
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在社會穩定發展、科技日新月異的今日,人們開始重新思考自身的存在與環境的關連。於是慢慢懂得追求生活品質、並注重文化、創意與環保等議題,逐漸形成一種新生活態度。 竹材之於國際一直是一種東方文化的象徵,更因異文化的神祕感而吸引著人們。本設計研究首先針對竹材做深入的理解與探索,目的即在採用栽植快速的竹材作為設計材料,減少對林木的砍伐與合成材質的運用;於研究後期,著手進行以竹為主之設計、並找尋其可搭配之復合材質,達到美感與商品化兼具之目的。 運用竹材本身的特殊特性,抽取出不同的設計元素:竹管本身的中空孔洞,切開後型成的圈圈、展現竹節處橫膈肉厚美感,而裁切成的天然H型材料等等…嘗試以最少的加工方式,呈現竹材的最佳質感!達到綠色設計的思維,對環境的維護、與以簡易單純的方式,展現不凡的設計與材質本身特色。
With the rapid development of technology and the continuous progress of society, people begin to think about their relationships with nature and the environment. Therefore, when building a better quality of life, it is also important to take creativity, culture and environmental protection into consideration. To many people in the western world, bamboo is known as a symbol of oriental culture, because of its mysterious characteristics. The series of design works originated from detailed research, this study used fast-growing bamboo as the main material instead of wood or composite materials, which may result in forest degradation and pollution. All that bamboo makes them not only beautiful but also practical. These works show bamboo's features and include different design elements: bamboo's hollow body, circle pieces after sliced, the design followed the concept of eco-design and the environmental protection, so the study tried the best to keep the production process as simple as possible, which maintains bamboo's original appearance and reveals its natural beauty.


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