Authors: 王昭智
Chao-Chih Wang
Chi-Yi Chang
Keywords: 煉;RE_FINE
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: Re_Fine是一個複合單字 原文意思是refine 精煉 當字根被我拆開之後 Re_Fine 帶有重新再尋找完善的意義 對於我來說 作設計是一個不斷再尋找答案的過程 相同的議題 相同的概念 但不同的是如何重新看待 context contents of architecture 重新出發 重新找尋新的答案 因此RE這個字根似乎再訴說一樣的手法 對於我的研究project來說 每一章節利用re作引述 代表重新追尋 重新探討 重新定義 重新看待建築的論述 Re-vertical distribution 是一個利用seven 的服務系統 重新探討垂直分散系統的而打破傳統垂直向度中受限於水平樓板的平均分配 的 章節 Re-embankment是從一個Taipei都市中被切割過的傷口 重新探討都市中堤防的角色 Re-combinant complexity 是利用中國五行組隻架構來重新看待program的組織方式 Re-branding stone belief 是重新面對自然的環境 探討關於活絡石頭公的宗教信仰 Re weaving surface 是一個關於自由曲面的成型方法 如何重新透過數學上的公式 重新編織出surface Re-cords of competition 是這兩年所參與的設計競賽 的章節 綜合以上 這一本Re_fine的論文 是兩年中在研究所的作品 綜合這些重新組織的結果 是我個人一部對於建築追求的再精煉
Abstract Re_Fine is a compound word which means to improve, polish and carve. While the word is separated to RE_Fine, it has a different meaning. RE is a word which has a meaning of furthermore to improve something better. Architectural design is a proceeding process to finding an appropriate answer. The same issue and same concept but the different is how to represent the context and contents of architecture in other viewpoint. To be re-starting and be finding a new answer also achieving a new project is an important issue in my thesis statement. Therefore, the main topic of my thesis is called RE meaning the same methodology toward the persistent proceeding process of architectural creation. RE is a starting quotation cited in every chapter, representing that research, definition, methodology, experimentation, observation of the architectural design innovation. RE_Vertical distribution is a chapter which discourses how to organize a vertical distribution system from the research of the Seven-Eleven service system strikes down the limitation of traditional floor system. RE_Embankment is a chapter which is liberating the urban wound by re_defining the embankment of the Taipei city. RE_Combinant Complexity is a chapter which composite the programmatic organization by using the organization of Chinese thesis called The Five Elements. RE_Branding Stone Belief is a chapter thriving the site of Stone religious through rejuvenation of the life cycle of forgotten or readily available material, skill and resources, relevant to the original environment. RE_Weaving Surface is a chapter discussing the methodology of the manufacture of surface through the adjustment in parameter of mathematical formula. RE_Cords of Competition is a chapter which records what I participated competition of design in different category between these two years in graduating school. Overall, this thesis of RE_Fine discousing architectural researches in my graduating work is in accordance with the meaning of RE, also I myself aspire to is RE_refine. RE_Vertical distribution is a chapter which discourses how to organize a vertical distribution system from the research of the Seven-Eleven service system strikes down the limitation of traditional floor system. RE_Embankment is a chapter which is liberating the urban wound by re_defining the embankment of the Taipei city. RE_Combinant Complexity is a chapter which composite the programmatic organization by using the organization of Chinese thesis called The Five Elements. RE_Branding Stone Belief is a chapter thriving the site of Stone religious through rejuvenation of the life cycle of forgotten or readily available material, skill and resources, relevant to the original environment. RE_Weaving Surface is a chapter discussing the methodology of the manufacture of surface through the adjustment in parameter of mathematical formula. RE_Cords of Competition is a chapter which records what I participated competition of design in different category between these two years in graduating school. Overall, this thesis of RE_Fine discousing architectural researches in my graduating work is in accordance with the meaning of RE, also I myself aspire to is RE_refine.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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