Title: 應用多重串聯顯示擴增實體空間的設計準則初探
Notes on designing multi-display spaces
Authors: 江碩濤
Shuo-Tao Chiang
Sheng-Fen Chien
Keywords: 空間感;認知心理學;多重串聯顯示環境;Sence of space;Cognition;Multi-Display Environments
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本研究嘗試將一項新的科技—多重串聯顯示環境(Multi-Display Environments)—與空間做結合。並且透過研究的過程,探論設計未來空間的新可能。研究內容著重於兩大問題。第一,當透過影像來呈現空間時,體驗空間感的元素有哪些?第二,在運用多重顯示串聯環境的技術來表現空間時,該如何安排多個顯示器,方能將影像內容本身的空間性表現出來?本研究的目標,在整理出應用多重顯示串聯環境的設計準則,使其能夠成為未來表現空間的新媒介,讓設計師對此新媒材能有效運用,表現出空間的擴增效果。 相關文獻的搜集包含,空間認知的科學理論基礎,多重串聯顯示環境的技術特性,以及空間設計者應用數位媒材的現況。研究方法以實驗為主,採用兩組實驗,探討上述兩大問題。實驗一,收集三位空間設計專業者解讀空間的口語資料,透過口語分析斷句與編碼,歸納空間感的產生與空間線索的關係。實驗二,邀請二十四位非設計專業者評估多重串聯顯示環境的空間組合效果。 綜合實驗分析的結果,本研究提出多重串聯顯示環境應用於空間設計的設計準則。設計師使用多重串聯顯示環境創造空間的首要步驟重點,為掌握「場景」;所選用的場景,必須是主題明確,或是空間元素的分佈均勻。選定場景後,設計師則可根據其場景內容的元素分佈、空間呈現,進行分析,以挑選出空間重點來安排多重串聯顯示窗;依場景透視消點與邊界範圍,將該選擇場景的空間特性表現出來。最後,設計師可根據顯示窗內容前後基礎,透過遠近距離比例上的安排,思考如何強化場景本身的立體性質,以獲得各種不同的效果。 本研究僅以單一觀察者的立場,探討垂直於觀察者視線的多個平行的多重串聯顯示窗所呈現的空間感,是本研究主要限制。此外,本研究歸納之設計準則,其適用性仍有待設計師實際應用後,方能具體評估。最後,本研究的成果,希望對空間設計者於思考未來的空間形式上,給予更多元的機會與可能。
This research attempts to integrate a new technology–Multi-Display Environment (MDE)–into the design and creation of new architectural spaces–multi-display spaces. There two research questions. What are key elements that enable a person to experience spatial feelings from a static picture? And, how to arrange MDE display screens in architectural spaces to augment the spatial contents shown in the screens? The research objective is to formulate a set of design guidelines that advise designers on the effective use of the MDE technology, so that the technology may become a new design medium and enables designers to show amplification effects of spaces. The research surveys literatures of theories of human spatial cognition, multi-display technologies, and digital design media for designers and architects. Two empirical studies are conducted to explore the two research questions. Based on the results of empirical studies, the multi-display design guidelines are formulated as the following. 1. Scene Selection: The scene to be presented in the display screens should have a clear theme, or elements in the scene should be evenly distributed. 2. Screen Allocation: The multi-display screens should be placed according to the scene elements. Screens should be located in relation to each other so that hints for perspective and borders of elements are visible. 3. Screen Arrangement: The designer may rearrange multi-display screens by adjusting the distance between the viewer and the screens to manipulate the perceived spatial effects. The multi-display design guidelines require further validations through practical applications. Nevertheless, the research provides a new design medium for designers to think about the future of architectural spaces with more opportunities and possibilities.
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