標題: 以蜂窩狀結構之氧化銦製備超高靈敏二氧化氮氣體感測器
Highly SensitiveNO2 Sensors Based on Honeycomb In2O3 Nanostructure
作者: 鄭捷
Cheng, Chieh
Ko, Fu-Hsiang
關鍵字: 氧化銦;感測器;二氧化氮;In2O3;sensor;NO2
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在本篇研究中,我們利用陽極氧化鋁作為模板,製造出一個蜂窩格子狀結構的半導體材料-氧化銦,由於其結構具有規律的孔洞性以及高深寬比的特性,讓我們可以將之應用於氣體的感測。在之前有關這方面的研究,大多是利用奈米線或是薄膜顆粒來作感測,而其製作過程多半是在高溫下的VLS法,步驟不但複雜費時且需使用大型的機台,對氣體的偵測也需在一定溫度下才有反應,更重要的是,大多數的偵測靈敏度都不夠低,因此我們用最簡單的溶膠-凝膠法來製作我們的偵測元件,伴隨陽極氧化鋁的模板所生成的氧化銦孔洞結構,來對二氧化氮這種有害性氣體作感測。在常溫下的量測結果也顯示,不但有良好的靈敏度,快速的可回復時間與重複性,更重要的是,偵測極限亦比目前發表過的研究還低。 我們提出了一個不同於以往的偵測機制:藉由氧空孔的修補來提升導電性。藉由氧電漿的修飾,對導電性有顯著性的增強已被證實,我們亦利用此法來說明我們的偵測機制。像這樣的感測元件,希望在日後能經由表面分子的修飾或是元素的掺雜,能發展成一套電子鼻系統。
We propose a for metal oxide material based on In2O3 honeycomb structure by using anodic aluminum oxide as template. The advantage of the proposed regular structure and high surface-to-volume ratio is beneficial for the gas sensing. Actually, gas molecules sensing plays a crucial role in environmental safeguard, medical diagnosis, and even space exploration. A variety of materials have extensively been ultilized in gas sensing of which In2O3 is a promising material for specific detection of NOx. In previous reports, metal-oxide-semiconductor gas sensors, having a high sensitivity for the detection of both reducing gases and oxidizing gases, are always fabricated in the form of thin films, nanowires, and nanotube. However, using vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth always suffers from several problems of poor connection, and uncompatible with unindustrial fabrication. In this study, we propose the self-aligned indium oxide honeycombed nanostructure under porous anodic alumina (PAA) template by sol-gel method. After electrode deposition, honeycombed In2O3 nanostructure is served as the sensing channel to detect NO2 in real-time which reveals not only great sensitivity but also fast recovery time, and more importantly the ultrasensitivity than previous publication under room temperature. Furthermore, we propose a defect-repaired theory to explain the sensing mechanism of our device which is quite than literature’s difference single-crystal nanowires. This approach without tedious process demonstrates a great potential in ultrasensitive gas sensing. In the future, we suspect that we will establish an electronic nose system by element doping or surface modification to recognize various gases.
Appears in Collections:Thesis